No, really. Harry really broke the mold as well as royalist minds. I mean, try imagine that your job is to prop and fluff these lazy, Royal miscreants, and that globally the world views you and your colleagues as media jokes. William gets the jewels and the palaces and the titles and the money of his birth, because hes superior to us as a result of that birth, no other reason according to the system anyway. Because I can see that as a kind of business model. I cant wait to see the circular firing squad when they get back to the UK. Charles would have weighed his options: forgettable, unpopular holdover king who reigns for a decade OR dynamic leader who did what his mother was too timid to do and stood on the right side of history. The actress had just turned 52 in 1994 when she had her lips plumped by a Paris doctor with a visiting consultancy in Harley Street, London. I grew up being told that a member of the family would never marry a black person, or a Catholic. We ALL knew there was a reason KP declined to publish their diversity numbers in their household staff (remember that, not too long ago?). width: 33%; Theyve been outed as virulent racists on camera in real time with the entire world watching, and theyre clinging to each other in order to get through it. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Their titles dont *define* them. NY Post Cover for January 15, 2023 | New York Post. Add to cart. If he had been preparing to be king from the start of adulthood, he wouldve known how to handle that statement from the Jamaican PM at the photo op. +91 99094 91629;; Mon. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. JAN MOIR . I remember when the two of them used to fall out of nightclubs, but now theyre pretending (for some reason) that theyve never danced and have never listened to Reggae musicor, indeed, any other popular music that has been released since the end of WW2. Well done, Naomi, they say. Its more than Harry being a scapegoat, its that fact that Harrys is simply better at the job period. When she met him he was a music industry executive and the vice-president of communications at So its a problem for the monarchy and for that system when someone like William shows how obsolete he actually is, because it destroys the whole notion of a superior bloodline. Dont get me wrong, these tabloids are still all vile and gross. They seem to be enjoying each others company. And it is also really very sad. I mean, I also think his reign should be about shutting the monarchy down, re-allocating land and property back to the government. On the Netflix docu-series it was 'I married for love, my brother did not'. Theres just fake-ass Earthshit and 5 questions and a Pie Chart. Published On. The callout to the all white staff was good tooguess that diversity czar position is still open. It is simply their misfortune to have crashed into senior overseas royal duties at a point in time when the sins of the past inform the stuttering trajectory of the future. So they have always been like this. Reaction from other female tennis players to the predicament of Naomi Osaka has been interesting. No. all the clothes and sparkly jewels, with zero substance. They assumed they could take that away, but only the public can take away fame. I dont think she liked having attention taken away from her when Harry and Meghan got together. I think that tells you everything you need to know about their character. If they get through this debacle, she will stick by William until he pries her off like a tick imo. BEL MOONEY . In October 2009, Moir wrote an article about Boyzone singer Stephen Gately's death, arguing that his death was not of natural causes, despite this being the conclusion of the coroner's report, and linking his death to his sexuality and same-sex civil partnership. Thing is, they dont NEED their titles for their self worth. Then he married someone who was raised with a single focus which was to marry him. They left because the family was a bunch of racist assholes in cahoots with a racist press to drive out an African American duchess. They may not be able to talk about Williams affairs and god know what else hes done. /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */. Broadcaster Andrew Marr said this week that Prince Harry's book and general post-Megxit behaviour were not only damaging for the monarchy, they might even hasten its demise. It is like a band going on a farewell tour to play their greatest hits, only to discover that no one is listening any more, that the fans are moving to a different drumbeat. why are they even there, and why do they require all this flattery? Sentinel Infotech This too. Charles has been dying to be king forever, perhaps literally now as hes not yet King and already nearing the end of a normal lifespan- hes 73 the average in UK is 81! For the burden of it all falls onto the shoulders of the Prince of Wales like a concrete cloak. On screen, in person or on the page, he strives to show that he is the better brother; morally superior in every way, not a dull, plodding obedient royal dupe like Someone He Could Mention. I respectfully disagree with this author. But however will the Sussexes manage when all royals are stripped of titles? Plus with the circumstances and his ego it makes sense. While I dont think that W & K have the capacity for self-reflection, I would not be surprised if someone higher up (say, Charles & his people?) I dont think shes doing William any favor with those comments. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. But they put in the actual legwork to DO the work. Now without the queen and Harry who will keep that institution afloat? A majority wants the monarchy gone after Liz. Also shocked that shes basically saying Williams not up to being a modern prince or king. Theyre using her playbook, its the 21st century they need to sit down and come up with a new playbook. The only thing he managed to be a master of is chasing the better brother and his wife far away from Salty Isle. SARAH VINE; MAIL ON SUNDAY COLUMNISTS . Look at administrators at Kings College London, forced to apologise to teachers after sending an email featuring a picture of Prince Philip a governor of the university since 1955. William expects to be served by others. They honestly thought these shots are going to be amazing. W & K are remarkable, and not in a good way. They turned into joint visits bc Will and Kate are scared to be alone with all the black people. Are you saying that the BM have already washed their hands of the monarchy and are ready to make money off of its slow destruction? He is the heir to the throne and blah blah blah. They can pin nothing on anyone except the Cambridges. But 40 years on, she admits to JAN MOIR that they never really found happiness apart Friday 18 November, 2022 Why have so many liberals mislaid their morals over Qatar just in time for kick-off? This week she was complaining about her red hair and pale skin. Where is the pushback on these issues from those within the system? But lets not act as if they are revolutionaries here. Even Meghan's budget-buy Ikea lamps and new sofas did little to cheer it up. And judging by Harry's appearance on the Stephen Colbert chat show in America which brought the series's largest audience in two years, with 3.5 million viewers the monarchy is an even bigger laughing stock there. Add to all that, hes a sullen, pig-headed and tempermental brat who throws a wobbly if he doesnt get his own way. 04:45: Jeff Thomas added John Louis Wilson (1889-1944) as spouse of Ruby Pearl (Thompson) Moir (1903-). Theyre just upset that the tour has been embarrassing for the UK and the Royal Family. Does it open doors, sure. The reason for the monarchy has no place in the modern world. #gallery-1 { The calendars are available in multiple styles. But they went nowhere near it, and its not part of the British commonwealth. and he married someone who was the original clout chaser and tried to emulate the posh set as much as she could, so William was never going to even get new ideas from his wife. I cannot imagine they would involve a third Party for a second .I `ll ask what they think Jan Moir is right , people do not keel over at 33 for no good reason , well it is at least exceedingly rare. Listen, hotshot, you two dum dums will be opening every bloody hospital, community centre, and commemorative cricket field from Cardiff to Dover for the next twenty years, or you wont see a single penny from me!. It is. Another cherished leitmotif is that William and Kate (and other senior royals) are somehow 'jealous' because Harry and Meghan are so very superior at being royals. Staff were triggered because of his historical racism. The other two have nothing besides their titles. Finally the H&M loss is being understood. The rock is its ultimate pointlessness and some might say downright offensiveness in the modern world. The social media supporting these two is no different from the racist MAGAs who support trump and the gop. And never will. It wouldve been annoying to watch but they couldve ridden h&ms coattails to glory but chose to be jealous and vindictive instead. But surely life is about compromises, about taking the rough with the smooth, the good days with the bad? But the way they all go on, youd think these women were enduring torture by the Spanish Inquisition, instead of answering a volley of dreary questions from hairy-kneed tennis hacks. Dont inspect the troops as you try to recreate a moment from 50 years ago. It was tone deaf from the start and hilarious that even the sycophantic UK media cant even spin this into a positive. Yes! I read some of the black spider letters back in 2015 or 2016. Along with it, the panting incantations from the mental health apologists, stirring it up even more. 'He is a great hugger,' said his celebrity make-up artist Jenn Streicher, whose other clients include actor Chris Evans, whom People magazine has just dubbed 'the sexiest man alive'. For we are in a very dangerous place with mental health, I would argue. They could garner sympathy with either a pregnancy announcement or a divorce announcement, though I cant see a big gain with either. This was the one time they shouldve copy-pasted the Sussexes to give the look of being modern royals while showing sensitivity to the republican movement of the host countries. Of course, the taint of racism that hangs over the Windsors does not help, the terrible smear left by the Sussexes that pile of dung they dumped on the royal driveway as they built their scented new lives in California.. Many in UK are stuggggling with rising prices so dont need to pay for an unwanted tour that was disastrous and played out like an expensive holiday for idle idiots. Except in my nightmares. Her other son sadly cannot claim the same attributes which is why hes just famous! , money, salary, income, and assets. Thats a heavy lift in the currently polarized government. Yeah, there is always that. The delusion is very real. They could have NOT tried to make it one long photo op. It will be interesting what leaks happen if we get any once they get back home! Edward couldnt make a buck as an actual son of the Queen. He clearly doesnt like W so maybe to make up for his own lack of popularity hed throw the monarchy under the bus and leave W with the tax bill. No arguments there. Even looking at their attempt to dance back in 2012 showed no musical rhythm in either of them. Its not Will & Kates fault? Other than THAT little sidebar, she aint wrong tho . Pictured:Naomi Osaka, who has refused to attend post-match press conferences because she suffers from depression and is not going to subject myself to people who doubt me, Pictured: A message posted to Twitter by Naomi Osaka after she withdrew from the French Open this week. I thought maybe closer to end of the year as books come out and maybe as the Queen retreats more but not THIS early. Charles must miss Harry. Rubbish. About Us; Contact; Home; Harp Therapy; Practitioners. Harry misses few opportunities to have a dig at William while elevating himself. The issue is that back in feudal times, maybe waring factions that won did believe this until they were knocked off their throne. Harry and Meghan tried to tell them that things needed to change but the Palace and Royal Family refused to listen. The action was as follows: When newspapers are covering for his sins so there are never any repercussions for his actions. Perhaps the most astonishing aspect of the mental health debate is that the focus is almost entirely on celebrities or sports stars or dukes suffering from the low, blue flames of depression or self-esteem, while a furnace of terrifying insanity roars among us, almost without comment. I never thought they had anything to say to me. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. she was working with the United Nations! I can see that exactly, Eurydice! Katy Brand in The Daily Telegraph reported that Jenkins' comments about Moir's article had been "retweeted hundreds, even thousands of times.". She wasnt born in the palace and was raised in the 80sshe should be adding a modern twist to these outings, something to make them less pathetic and old fashioned. Yet she is always banging on as though she were Mrs Blobby forcing herself upon horrified audiences. Latest Breaking News Around The World. it does not need these two ninnies to showcase anything, and did not ask them to. and yes, it was very very bad. Its glorious to watch the downfall of all the English upper-class hold most dear, bowing before bloodline, I love to see this racist mess get the ridicule it deserves. The anomaly is that you dont have to look far to find debilitating mental illness. Its simply a misfortune that fickle peasants no longer appreciate it as they used to. Its one thing to criticize but she basically called them weak and obsolete. Does she think she is delivering fresh news? Friday 15 October, 2021. I saw someone on twitter posted that Kate didnt even stand this close to William at their wedding in regards to the photo of them by the fence. The BM are now turning on him and his cardboard cutout wife (didnt we all predict this?) They will be fine as Harry and Meghan, and just like Princess Diana he will always be Prince Harry to me. However, I disagree that its not their fault. Although Harry and Meghan were easy scapegoats that got them clicks, the media was never fond of the Cambridges and were more obvious about it prior to Meghans arrival. Basically, whatever the French did. Yes Im shocked how quickly this turned. Its an outdated and racist concept. The picture of Kate waving at the children standing behind a chain link fenceunreal. 'It looks like a frat house,' she said. What is the meaning of the name Jan? And what about the Wee Donkey? Not his fault. Now what will come of this? Latest Breaking News Around The World 2022. Pity the Sussexes having to slum it in rent-free pad. 'I am free, my brother is trapped' was the theme song then. Diana, I think, was aware of that. Theyre also workshopping the old Sunshine Sachs and Meghan are responsible for this nightmare, which is hilarious and quite interesting. Basically, theyve ignored Jan Moirs entire article critiquing the Cambridge Caribbean Disaster and focused just on the punitive bit about the Sussexes who, no matter how hard you wish, have nothing to do with the Cambridge trainwreck. But youd never guess it from all the blather that passes for debate on this subject. And we learn that racism is perfectly fine, but not calling out the racism. But if he has the vision and the fortitude to end the monarchy he will go down in history as having done the right thing, not just for Britain, but for all of the Commonwealth countries. 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