Unbeknownst to her Merlin, with Gwaine's help, removes the Eye from Arthur's arm and foils her plan. Earlier in life, as the Kings ward, Morgana displays a spirited, quick-witted and compassionate nature. After learning Merlin's secret, Morgana is extremely surprised. However, everything is not as it seems; Gwen has believed in Morgana's words and, with the help of the mandrake roots, Gwen's loyalties now are with Morgana. Morgan le Fay (/ m r n l f e /, meaning 'Morgan the Fairy'), alternatively known as Morgan[n]a, Morgain[a/e], Morg[a]ne, Morgant[e], Morge[i]n, and Morgue[in] among other names and spellings (Welsh: Morgn y Dylwythen Deg, Cornish: Morgen an Spyrys), is a powerful and ambiguous enchantress from the legend of King Arthur, in which most often she and he are siblings. On the surface they seemed like siblings, teasing one another mercilessly and trading sarcastic comments, but there was also a much deeper connection between them. The two, along with the Saxons, begin their final fight against Camelot. Morgana was Morgause's younger half-sister, though for many years she had no idea of her existence since Morgause was smuggled away as a baby and given to the Priestesses of the Old Religion. She often suffered from prophetic nightmares as a result of this ability, initially largely revolving around Arthur Pendragon's death. Morgana's bond with Mordred was further cemented when she stayed with the Druids to learn about her developing powers, but their time with one another was cut short when guards stormed the camp. Morgan became queen by marrying King Uriens of Gorre, a section of Ancient Britain following the departure of the Romans. When he left to go to battle, at some point he called to Uther for reinforcements. Assuming the guise of a substitute principal Miss Blackheart, Morgana tries to seduce the now 15-year-old Arthur in his school but fails, foiled by his girlfriend Gwen. fwiw, they did reshoots a lot to change a character's motives or actions. For an unrelated video game character, see. When Morgana learns that her plans failed, she is enraged and tells Agravaine about Emrys and her belief that he thwarted them. She becomes an apprentice of Merlin, and a capricious and vindictive adversary of some knights of the Round Table, all the while harbouring a special hatred for Arthurs wife Guinevere. Legends. After she learns that Merlin plans to go to the Crystal Cave to get his magic back, she plans to end him once and for all. While there is not question that morgana is extremely powerful and certainly comparable to merlin, merlin has more impressive feats and is the more powerful individual overall. Morgana is the only character to have appeared in an interactive show named after her (. Morgana then asks Agravaine to help her find Emrys and kill him (The Darkest Hour). Once it is known to us, his end is night. Even when Merlin was weakened due to having aged himself, although she put up a considerable fight, she was only able to nearly kill him when she caught him off-guard and was grounded before ultimately losing and being badly wounded (A Servant of Two Masters). Morgana at some point enters into an alliance with Helios, the powerful warlord. Arthur Pendragon (formerly) Merlin (formerly)Uther Pendragon (formerly) Gaius (formerly)Camelot (formerly)Knights of Camelot (formerly)Morgause Agravaine Alvarr (disappeared)Vivienne (disappeared)Gorlois Tauren (indirectly) AglainAithusaHelios Bolg RuadanSefaQueen Annis (formerly)Alator (formerly) DochraidLancelot (Shade)Mordred King Odin (formerly)Guinevere Pendragon (formerly)BerounDaegal (formerly) The CailleachTom Old ReligionHigh Priestesses Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Unbeknownst to Morgana, Merlin witnessed glimpses of the future through the Crystal Cave, among them a vision of Morgana murdering Uther with a bejeweled dagger namely the one given to her by Arthur. In the end, Merlin only defeated her by using his magic, of which she was unaware. You're not alone. During the battle of Camlann, Morgana hysterically screams at Merlin when he returns to the battlefield, and he wastes no time in attacking her with a lightning spell. She is a beautiful but evil medieval sorceresses who goes after the young King Arthur to the modern day America. As they make camp, Arthur reveals his plan to sneak into the castle through tunnels known only to Uther and a few others of the royal court. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. So once that was settled on the easiest thing to do was to just swap the genders, and so bam, female King Arthur is born. Morgans nephew, Mordred, began working with her for the first time in sharing their treachery against King Arthur. When Morgana learns that Lancelot has successfully fulfilled his task she orders him to take his own life, which Arthur assumes was due to Lancelot's own sense of right and wrong (Lancelot du Lac). Until now, Arthur had fully trusted his half-sister Morgan, but now he swore a vengeance upon her. Morgause then casts a spell, causing Morgana to fall asleep. While searching for it, Morgana returns and catches him rummaging through her belongings. Required fields are marked *. Morgans many attempts to bring ruin upon Camelot were continually thwarted by Arthur, Merlin, Sir Percia of Scandia who was the original Black Knight and the Knights of the Round Table. Seeking revenge, Merlin banishes Arthur to a world from which the only escape is death. She tells him that Uther had to be stopped for the sake of herself and other magical beings, but Merlin tells her that they can find another way, to which she replies that there is no other way. Morgana also stated that, as a child, she used to help Gorlois with his armour. Arthur reeled in the face of this knowledge and spent a whole week struggling with it, only recovering when Merlin rallied him to take back his kingdom from her. They cared very little for one another at the start of the series, as Gwen believed Arthur to be an arrogant bully and Arthur barely seemed to be aware that Gwen existed. Morgana plants the Fomorroh on Merlin's back. Once dismissed as representative of narrative closure and bourgeois ideology, realism has made a remarkable comeback in recent years as a predominant trend in world cinema and television productions, as well as a topical line of enquiry in audiovisual theory. When Agravaine opens the siege tunnels beneath the city, a small detachment of her army passes through into the lower town which soon falls to her forces. Morgana follows them . Morgana Pendragon thanks Arthur for the present. Morgana returns to Camelot as Cenred's armies prepare to descend on Camelot, and during the battle she creeps down into the catacombs to use a magic staff to awaken the dead buried there, sending them forth to attack the knights of Camelot. After this, Morgana began to plot against her half-sibling while he remained a doting brother, even risking his life to go back into Cenred's stronghold to rescue her, unaware that it was a trap to get him killed (The Castle of Fyrien). After her betrayal was exposed, a year later, Morgana, who was determined to prevent her vision of Gwen becoming Queen from coming true, attempted to kill Gwen by knocking her unconscious out in the open so the Dorocha would finish her off come nightfall. Morgana, also called Morgaine or Morgan, is a staple figure of the Arthurian legend. Morgana Pendragon in a warm embrace with her sister. Morgana seems largely unmoved by Agravaine's passionate speech, though claims to be grateful for his faithfulness, and merely states that he need never leave her side again if he succeeds in his mission. Morgana knows that its Emrys and Mordred reveals his true identity, that he lives in Camelot, and it is Merlin's druid name (The Drawing of the Dark). The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Later, locked in the dungeons and witnessing the execution of peasants through the bars, Uther begged Morgana to kill him instead of innocent people, but she said he would live until she was satisfied with the amount of suffering he experienced as her revenge for his numerous crimes against those with magic. On the occasions where Agravaine succeeded in carrying out her wishes, she would at times bestow icy congratulation, but often she would merely retort with biting sarcasm and further orders (The Hunter's Heart). The two ambush Arthur's group and, although Aithusa fails to eliminate them, Morgana corners Merlin and Mordred and knocks them out with magic. When Merlin ran to her to hide Mordred, the Druid boy, Morgana agreed to help, driven by compassion and trust of Merlin's intentions. Although they easily overwhelm the Camelot soldiers at first, Merlin's return greatly shocks Morgana as she screams at him, and he attacks her and knocks her unconscious. Morgana seemed finally victorious over Gwen by resurrecting Sir Lancelot and using him to come between Arthur and Guinevere, which led to the latter's exile. The hag explains to Morgana that with the enchanted coin Morgause gave her, she will be able to summon a shade from the dead and bend it to her will. Each time she would desperately try to save him and prevent her prophecies from being realised, on one occasion running to plead with him in front of the assembled knights when she knew he would not return safely from a quest. But most importantly, it will bring our enemies to their knees. After her overthrow, Morgana was imprisoned with Aithusa by the warlord Sarrum, who wanted to erase magic from the land. In contemporary versions of the legend, Merlin is almost always depicted as good. In the same episode, she was almost killed by a group of Serkets. Following this event, Morgana and Guinevere make numerous attempts on Arthur's life. Morgan le Fay /mrn l fe/, alternatively known as Morgan le Faye, Morgen, Morgaine, Morgain, Morgana, Morganna, Morgant, Morgane, Morgne, Morge, Morgue, and other names, is a powerful enchantress in the Arthurian legend of the 6th century AD. )my twitter: https://twitter.com/dragonlcrdformat inspired by sp. Morgana and Gwen often meet in the Darkling Woods and plan Arthur's downfall, as well as Gwen ruling according to what Morgana wants. Morgana walks toward her sister. I didn't mean to do it like this. Morgana manages to prevent each and every attempt of Mithian's until she writes her name on a stone that Merlin sees. For a time, Morgana's hatred was directed solely at Uther, and largely she showed no animosity towards Arthur, but after the discovery that Uther was her father, Morgause pointed out that Arthur was all that stood between Morgana and the crown, despite her being illegitimate and unrecognised. Morgana remained devoted to the now seriously deteriorated Morgause and thought nothing of attacking Knights of Camelot to protect her. Arthur Pendragon MerlinGuinevere PendragonGaiusCamelotQuesting BeastCornelius SiganAfanc Alator Uther Pendragon Kanen Kendrick Aredian Sophia Aulfric MithianRodorGwaine Elyan Knights of CamelotSarrum Catrina (Troll) The Knights of the Round TableGuardKilgharrah Gwen, who had witnessed Morgana using magic already and had seen her with Morgause, was now firmly convinced that Morgana was no longer a friend to any of them, but they continued the pretence of civility. Morgana seems hopeful that Guinevere will remain loyal to her, and indeed Gwen replies that she has always been so, but Gwen then frees Sir Leon from the dungeons and Morgana's men follow them to Arthur. Despite being motivated by her disagreement with Uther's tyrannical regime, Morgana herself lapses into a reign of cruelty during the times she rules Camelot to gain the allegiance of the people, such as executing innocent people in her first reign, and threatening to burn peasants' crops in her second reign. Once I'm crowned Queen of Camelot, you may indulge yourself all you wish. However their relationship is repaired when Mordred, having lost faith in Arthur, after the execution of his love Kara by his men, goes to Morgana and kneels before her, telling her that she was right about Arthur and that he will never question her judgement again. Arthur finds out Merlin's secret in the worst possible way. Morrigan, thanks to the late medieval culture, has become the great Fairy Morgan in the Arthurian or Breton cycle. When Alvarr intended to ambush and kill the knights, Morgana was horrified and said he could not kill them all, commenting that he need only fight to escape, clearly worried about Arthur and the knights she knew to be good men. Even you. Instead of telling her about his powers in order to comfort her about her own, he tried to help without showing he actually understood her fear. 4 How is Morgana le Fay and King Arthur related? Her relationship to Arthur varies but usually she is introduced as Arthur's half-sister, the daughter of his mother Igraine and her first husband Gorlois, the Duke of Cornwall. After Merlin pierces through her with Excalibur, Arthur fleetingly looks at her lifeless eyes, and very soon he leaves his last breath as well (The Diamond of the Day). Arthur's gift to her is, on Merlin's inadvertent advice, an ornate jeweled dagger, and Morgause sends a mirror with a message asking Morgana to meet her that night. "And then, my Lady Morgana, you must play your part well.". Agravaine, shocked, goes to bid Morgana farewell before leaving, emphasising his loyalty and love for her and warning her that even Helios is not to be trusted. Morgause then spirited Morgana away to save her, and kept Morgana in her care for a year, teaching her how to use her magic. Lancelot, also spelled Launcelot, also called Lancelot of the Lake, French Lancelot du Lac, one of the greatest knights in Arthurian romance; he was the lover of Arthurs queen, Guinevere, and was the father of the pure knight Sir Galahad. As Morgana knew that Emrys broke her control over Guinevere, she demanded to know his true identity. Unbeknownst to Arthur, Morgana was, in fact, responsible for Uther's decline, and she continued to plot against the king in secret (The Tears of Uther Pendragon). Later, Morgana conspires with Guinevere in order to have Arthur assassinated by his new ally, Sarrum, a powerful warlord as well as the man who imprisoned her and Aithusa for two years. When she corners Arthur in the tunnels beneath Ismere; Morgana wastes no time in trying to kill her brother. To know what it's like to be alone and afraid. She also easily overpowered Merlin during the siege of Camelot and disarmed him twice. Morgana also requests from Gwen one last thing: then give Sarrum a painful death, which Gwen agrees to do with pleasure. Despite their close friendship, Morgana never confided in Gwen about magic, instead turning to Merlin. She initially trusted Gaius a great deal, even though she told Aredian that she had no idea what he'd put in the potions, because he took care of her and his draughts were the only thing that let her get any sleep. Morgana does not want to go back, but an army of Camelot soldiers raid the camp and bring her back. Morgana resisted attending this celebration, expressing to Uther her sympathy for Mary Collins and her abhorrence for the Great Purge because of the lives taken to accomplish Uther's endeavour to eliminate magic from Camelot. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Arthur will replace him. Portrayer: After Merlin attempts to destroy the staff, Morgana draws her sword against him. Morgana Pendragon was the illegitimate daughter of Uther Pendragon, the second daughter and the youngest child of Vivienne, the elder paternal half-sister of Arthur, the younger maternal half-sister of Morgause and the adopted daughter of Gorlois. She always takes issue with his cruel and unjust persecution of magic-users, believing that his punishments are unfair and unfitting. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". After Finna got Merlin's sword, when she was wounded, Morgana and her men found her and she demanded to know from her where Emrys is. She also told Agravaine that she had felt her father's pain as he died and was seemingly disturbed by the sensation; whether this means she felt any remorse or simply sensed it through her magic is unknown. When Morgause made Morgana the unwitting vessel for the sleeping plague, Merlin demonstrated a lack of faith in Morgana by believing his only option to be to kill her in order to end the plague. (The wearer of the scabbard would lose no blood, thanks to its magic, no matter how seriously he was wounded.) Morgana is a feminine variant of the name Morgan (Welsh, Old English). In the meantime, Morgana, who is in command of some magical wolves, manages to enslave a big number of men and work for her, two of which are Gwaine and Percival. While investigating Palaces, he encounters the protagonist and would have stuck with him since. I love the show I just don't understand those two things haha Morgana is the villainess of the 1999 fantasy film Arthur's Quest, played by Catherine Oxenberg. Not to confused with Goddess Morrgan from Celtic pre-history c.15th century BC. Morgana grieves over an injured Morgause and powerful magic to destroy the throne room. Arthur won his wife, Guinevere, in another risky undertaking. But as they . This furthered her antipathy towards Uther and may have caused her an element of shame for not being Gorlois true daughter, though Morgana's feelings towards Gorlois are not made explicit beyond her claiming to Queen Annis that she was working with her in order to honour him. Possible explanations include that she feared her magic or her treachery being exposed, or for some reason did not want him executed. She also enchants a bracelet to restore Gwen's old feelings for Lancelot and therefore trap her into adultery. He defended her interests against his father, securing her release from the dungeons (To Kill the King) and agreeing to defy Uther and smuggle Mordred out of Camelot solely for her sake (The Beginning of the End). From this point forward, Morgana became more sadistic, psychotic and cruel, even towards her allies, and her only goal became the death of Arthur Pendragon, which she initially realises, shortly after she is slain by Merlin. Morgana uses the Rowan Staff to bring the skeletons to life. Uther then begs her to kill him and not innocent people, but she coldly states she will execute him only after she is satisfied that he has suffered the same amount of pain he caused his victims. Patience and I are old friends. Though initially Morgana's powers were raw and uncontrolled, resulting in her inadvertently setting her room alight and shattering a vase, in the year spent with Morgause, Morgana's skill with magic improved greatly and she gained control over her abilities. Later, Agravaine comes to visit Morgana and is clearly deeply concerned when he discovers her unconscious in the woods. Arthur remains ignorant of Merlin's powers for a very long time due to consequences which could occur if he finds out. She then left Uther in the dungeons to rot, stopping only to confirm that she hated him beyond his ability to understand, which prompted a complete mental breakdown to the point where Uther was no longer able to act fully as king, leaving Arthur to serve as regent. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Merlin, therefore, forces Arthur to flee Camelot by enchanting him to ensure his compliance, and so by the time Morgana herself reaches the last stronghold of the Knights of Camelot, Arthur has already disappeared leaving Gaius and Gwaine behind. Merlin clearly wanted to help Morgana and tried to persuade Gaius to help her instead of ignoring her powers altogether. She joins Morgause in her regicidal ambitions and eventually operates alone in trying to kill Arthur. A guilt-ridden Merlin later uses a spell to heal her, not wanting to be the reason for her death. She hugs him and then dines with him. Morgan and her sisters were schooled in a nunnery after the death of her father, upon which Igraine became wife of Uther Pendragon. There, she uses mandrake roots to twist Guinevere's memories and make her believe that she is her only one true ally. When Mordred returned, she agreed to help steal a crystal from Uther and later freed a sorcerer from the dungeons. Across the castle, Morgause becomes aware of Morgana's plight and realises her sister is dying. As confirmed by Balinor, creatures born with magic, like Morgana and Merlin, never die, unless they are stabbed through the heart by a sword forgedin a dragon's breath. When Nimue and Merlin meet in the fifth episode, she asks the wizard why her mother instructed her to bring him the sword. When Morgana returned to Camelot, already planning on bringing on Uther's downfall, she pretended to respect and love Uther, yet secretly rejected any kind of Uther's affection and fatherly love towards her, even when he confessed in tears his deep love for her in front of the court during a feast that was held to celebrate her safe return. Uther suspects Morgana when he hears Alvarr had help escaping and emotionally informs the court that whoever has been responsible has betrayed him, whatever the consequences (The Witch's Quickening). One of the worst things Merlin ever did to Morgana was when he decided to hide his magic from her. With a simple stunning spell, she was able to knock out Merlin in his young form, whereas three years earlier two stunning spells of hers were not enough to prevent an older Merlin from defeating her. Morgana is the daughter of Uther Pendragon and his adulterous lover, Vivienne, who was his best friend's wife, though this fact is hidden from Morgana. Any friend of Camelot is an enemy of mine. Although she displayed no affection towards Agravaine, he was shown to care deeply about her, exhibiting deep concern upon finding her unconscious in the forest after her duel with Merlin (disguised as the aged sorcerer Emrys) and tending to her in her vulnerable state (The Secret Sharer). Morgana soon discovered Gwen's feelings for Arthur when he was forced to marry a princess and she later used this to lure Arthur to a trap in the Castle of Fyrien. When Morgana was taken away by Morgause, Gwen appeared to miss her, but after Morgana's return, it became obvious that her experiences had changed her. I would do anything for you, you know that. However, Morgana quickly senses him following her and catches him, after which Morgause binds him in chains and leaves him to be killed by Serkets. Every day I must look Uther in the eye knowing that if he were to discover who I really am, he'd have me killed. Merlin, however, thwarts Morgana's plans by using an ageing spell to become Dragoon the Great, a veteran wizard who claims to have placed the poultice to bring shame on Camelot, leaving a somewhat confused Morgana foiled (Queen of Hearts). He carries her to safety, and is the one to take care of her until she recovers (A Servant of Two Masters). Morgana then used magic on Gwen, turning her evil temporarily. It is still unknown exactly how she managed to escape from Camelot while fighting her way out, but she somehow managed to make it into the woods, still with a stab wound in her side and having been recently thrown to the floor by Merlin's magic. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. After some years without keeping contact with King Arthur, Morgan was believed by Arthur to be deceased, but she had actually retired in secret to her castle near Tauroc, Wales after her ordeal with Chthon. Her grief for Morgause augmented her powers to an extremely high degree, although it is unknown to what extent she was actually in control of the magic (The Coming of Arthur: Part Two). Believing that to be the end of it, Gaius leaves Merlin to wake up, but the next day notices that the Fomorroh has grown back.