And according to a 2014 Procter & Gamble survey, two out of three beachgoers admit to peeing in the ocean. He additionally issued a degree constraining the forces of the leader of the republic to delegate judges to the Supreme Court. In Argentina, there is a law that states that Argentine night clubs must play the same amount of tango music as all other forms of music combined. The South American country is rich with resources . Dont Fly the English Flag : In fact, its best to avoid wearing any English or British symbols. There hasn't been another incidence of smoking monkeys in Indiana since. Still dangerous, but undeniably weird (and funny). The bans were attempts to reduce bank robberies. Beards, on the other hand, don't seem to be a problem. For them to assume that people are not going to have relations because their bed is uncomfortable is a little bit crazy. But what about laws that don`t make sense? You risk hefty fines - even jail time! No doubt about that. I am sure even in yours (wherever you come from) So sad you traveled a wonderful, beautiful, big country with so much to offer, and instead, all you did take with you were bad memories. FedEx Cross Border has prepared a global list of prohibited and restricted items that apply regardless of a shipment's destination. The Dutch were the first to establish colonies in Guyana and later came the British. The administration regards these arrangements. In 2009, Vermont. Learn how your comment data is processed. One is a low lying coastal plain, the other is savannah zone, and the third is the mountainous region. People told us all about other weird laws that are on the books after Redditor Professional_Watch87 asked the online community, . Unlike the 1981 act, which is concerned with conservation, the older law was concerned with reserving the swans for the aristocrats. Anniversaries of the conflict are always an occasion for demonstrations outside the British Embassy by various activist groups in support of Argentina's position on the Falkland Islands. Thankfully, because it's one of the weirdest laws around the world, we're guessing it never really has to be enforced. It is illegal for a man to forget his wife`s birthday. Alabama: Don't dress up as a priest for Halloween. In Argentina, there is a law that states that Argentine nightclubs must play the same amount of tango music as all other forms of music combined. Formal and casual established allegation against Menem-designated Supreme Court judges in the vicinity of 2003 and 2005 enabled Kirchner to choose new judges. No spitting (it's a public nuisance) Donkeys may not sleep in bathtubs. 11/5480-0192), and one at Aeroparque with the same schedule (tel. If you are arrested, you do have rights to legal representation, to remain silent and access to a translator if needed. 11/4328-0747; Since the art of silk-making has indeed made it out of China, we're presuming that some punitive torture took place on whoever let it slip. The "Protection of the Rights and Interests of Elderly People" law, which went into effect in 2013, makes it illegal to avoid your parents because they drive you crazy. You are using an out of date browser. The constitution restricts torment; be that as it may, by and by police severity remains a difficult issue. The fines can go up to $600. With 150+ adventure activities covered and 24/7 emergency assistance. Calling cell phones from abroad can be complicated. 1. It is illegal to kill "any living creature" in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Around $10 for a bag of bird seed. Ain't no poking fun at this one. This penalty is increased if the act is committed in conjunction with another offence, for example, defiling a national flag that has been stolen. According to the same source, the parade in Rio de Janeiro also gathers over 500,000 people and the one in Belo Horizonte, Brazil's third-largest metropolitan area, ties with Buenos Aires at 200,000. Alaska. Good to know, right? The time depends on the region. This is because the town contains the worlds largest fully steerable radio telescope, which is operated by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO). Worth it? We only mention the "bad and worst things" in the spirit of education and in the wish that our travellers stay safe. You won't believe how absurd and stupid some of these laws are! Expect a kiss on the cheek as a greeting, as this is the typical and normal way to greet in Argentina. Know How to Buy Your Kid A Future, don't let some stranger buy your kid. In fact, Guinness lists the So Paulo parade as the biggest in the WORLD, with crowds of 3-5 million people, while according to Wikipedia, the Buenos Aires parade has around 200,000 attendants. California Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship. Almost everywhere you go, there are laws against speeding or shoplifting, laws that govern the purchase and consumption of alcohol, and zoning laws that dictate what kind of buildings you can build where. It's definitely one of the weirdest laws around the world. "In Argentina, by law, the seventh son (or daughter, since 1973) of a family will have the President as his godfather, to give him magical protection and prevent him from turning into a werewolf." ElTole. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); The Embassy of Canada is located in Palermo, Tagle 2828 in Alcorta (tel. And I'm not just talking about France, where it's illegal to fly UFOsI'm talking about everywhere. No one may tie their pet dog to the roof of a car. East Punjab Agricultural Pets, Diseases and Noxious Weeds Act of 1949. definitely not cool if you're a man over 40. I was googling it the other night, will try and find the site that had the general overview of the law. The crown left their swans untagged, while everybody else tagged theirs. Due to the exchange rate, Argentina also becomes a place of tourism in plastic surgery. But now we're curiouswhen a catnapping occurs, are there ransom demands? According to a contemporaneous account, people became frightened, children shouted, dogs barked, and women fainted as Hetherington wore his silk hat through London. She says people are profiting from "a crime.". When this law was introduced in 2012, forgetting to pack a breathalyzer in your glovebox so the police could bust you for a DUI more easily came with a small fine of about 11 ($13 USD). The ban was issued after residents discovered that the dead simply froze in the cemetery the instead of decaying. Magazines like Caras ( and Gente ( will keep you up to date with celebrity gossip, and Lugares ( is a good source of Spanish travel articles. You Cannot Skateboard Without a Liscense Out of the weird laws in Florida, this one might be the hardest not to break! The Argentine Constitution of 1853 was an endeavor to join the shaky and youthful nation of the United Provinces of the Rio de la Plata under a solitary law, making also the distinctive living beings expected to run a nation. At least the exchanging vows part. Except for the occasional horny teenager, who just doesn'tunderstand that a "cuddle puddle" is for cuddling. The tavern owner stopped bringing his moose to his bar but still got it drunk in his home. Economic crashes, underground dollar exchanges, Rolling Stones cults, and a string of five Presidents in two weeks Argentina is a crazy place. For having too many potatoes! 10. Within the Metropolitan Police District, excluding the City of London, it is illegal to walk down the streets whilst carrying a plank of wood as well as . We're not sure how many kangaroos are in Oregon, but if you see one, put your boxing gloves away! Wait, what? Every parent has daydreamed about it at least once. The mayor mentioned that only people with burial plots at the cemetery were allowed to die and promised severe punishment for defaulters. The state of Utah forbids beverages to be sold that contain more than 3.2% alcohol (via Stupid Laws ). Precedence of Laws International Treaties. Weird laws to know before you travel. If you spit outside a public building like city hall, you could be found guilty. If you`ve been planning to be here for a long time and are considering cosmetic procedures, Buenos Aires could be a place to do it. There are some really strange events all over the world. 1. if( 'moc.enilnoefiltseb' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { Because that really had to be blatantly stated. Since 1992, it's been illegal to import or sell general chewing gum in Singapore. When a Rosario resident named his child Messi, however, some residents protested. Feeding the pigeons - unless you feed them birdseed. In 1992 an arrangement of oral open trials was established to accelerate the legal procedure while enhancing the security of procedural privileges of criminal respondents. Please indicate if these laws are correct or if you can share more with us. A slice of pizza, corn on the cob, any food on a stick, a Twinkie, and definitely fried chicken. The list I believe has about 13,800 names on it so it is extensive, but the whole idea seems bizarre to me! Thanks to a weirdly-worded law in the city Criminal Code, it is unlawful to "throw any stones, snowballs, or any other missiles" at any person or property in Topeka, an ordinance that former mayor. Unfortunately, the reality is when talking about travel safety, you need to discuss potential dangers that travellers may face - and obviously with you being a local you might ask "well where are the good bits?" It`s a stranger asking to use your bathroom. In 2011, France passed a law mandating that sauces (such as ketchup, mayonnaise, and so on) must not be freely accessible to students but served according to various dishes. 11/4808-1000; 61. There may not be many German homes with chimneys anymore, but that doesn't mean you can deny a chimney sweep access to your home whenever they feel like it. flickr/ Zervas. But then again, if it means living in a world where we never have to read about celebrity kids named Blue Ivy, Pilot Inspektor, or Apple, maybe it's not the worst idea. Admittedly, most of these weird laws are either unlikely to be enforced or unlikely to come up in the first place. Several towns in different countries have permanently or temporarily banned townspeople from dying within town limits. Once a target was spotted, the robber would use his cell phone to instruct other gang members outside the bank to rob the client. Best, Cole steveinbsas If you're not planning on moving to Buenos Aires, you should remember that a good, comfy mattress is one of the 20 Purchases That Are Always Worth the Money. In reality, in reality, it is a real crime. It's unlawful to wink at a lady you don't know in Ottumwa, Iowa. The main Spanish-language newspapers are El Pas (, Clarn (, Pgina 12 ( and Perfil ( Pro tip: Keep the nakedness inthe bedroom, and make sure you know the 5 Things Smart Men Never Say to a Naked Woman. Be aware local laws in Argentina may be different to what you know at home. In 2014, Rosario made it illegal to name a child Messi. Feel like catching up on the latest season of Game of Thrones while in Malaysia? In 2003, not long after taking office, President Nstor Kirchner flagged his expectation to evacuate some of Menems representatives and to fortify the legal by fixing some of Menems moves that transformed the Supreme Court into a political partner of the president instead of a self-governing energy of the state. As stipulated by the Canadian Radio and Television Commission, one in every five songsor roughly 35% of what's played on the radiomust be a Canadian artist. 20 Life-Changing Trips from Famous Travelers. Royal Navy ships entering the . In 1880, Argentina named the city a federal district, giving it control over Buenos Aires's laws and allowing it to appoint political representatives. 11/4773-9891). Hunting, selling, and killing swans attracted harsh punishments, as did did stealing their eggs. But by specifying "after the sun goes down," were they implying that getting our freak on outside a church is perfectly acceptable during the day? Germany banned making any loud, excessive noises during quiet hours which are typically between 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. Sadly, thanks to the Licensing Act 1872, it's also illegal and could land you a 200 fine and almost a year in jail. Read these awesomely crazy, strange, odd, bizarre, dumb, funny, random and extremely weird laws in the United States of America! In a readers' poll conducted by the Russian newspaper Izvestiya, 46% agreed that a car is dirty if it's license plate is no longer visible. Men Cannot Wear Strapless Dresses And to all the dog-lovers out there, there's really no need to steal your neighbor's mutthere, we made you this guide to prove it: How to Buy the Perfect Dog. 5 Things Smart Men Never Say to a Naked Woman, Leaders of the Pack: the Best New Cars for 2018, Classy Man's Guide to Adjusting His Package in Public, Ultimate Smoothie for Boosting Your Sex Drive, 9 Medical Tests You Should Always Demand from Your Doctor, Single Greatest Full-Body Fat-Loss Workout, 20 Purchases That Are Always Worth the Money. Driving drunk is no laughing matter. iPad. Coincidence? The fine could be up to $2,500 or six months . xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); No juggling in Hood River without a license. King Edward II passed the law after certain individuals interrupted and disorganized several meetings hed had with members of Parliament. 6. Alabama Weird Driving Law: No Blindfolds. } ); 7. You decide on that one. English and British flags, as well as English national football (soccer) tops, are definitely to be avoided. Owning a satellite dish that gets foreign TV might cost you $100,000 in fines and two years in prison, on top of getting your dish confiscated. And the Currency Act of 1985 even provides a detailed breakdown of the pocket change glass ceiling. 40 ThingsMen Should Never Say to a Woman in Bed. Note that local laws in Argentina may differ from those you know back home. Alaska. But in Florida, the fleeting fantasies you were never seriously going to follow through on are off the table. And while we're talking about beer, here's The Best Craft Beer in Every U.S. State. Here are 15 funny, dumb, and crazy laws from around the world. Yes, these are all things that now have laws around them because a bored soul has decided to experiment a little. Argentina is famous for asado barbecues with beef, pork, chorizo and chicken. Will come back to you.. It's a shame, because chewing gum can actually be a great way to activate your metabolism. Laws are often a product of the time and place when they are passed. If you're between the ages of 40 and 79, your doctor is required to measure your waist, and if you don't fall within legal limitsfor men, a waistline not measuring over 33.5 inches, and every woman nothing over 35.5 inchesyou'll be reported to the government for "re-education." Close the gate! 1. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Fine, we're making it a misdemeanor. 11/4312-5550), with a street-level information desk in the shopping arcade of the building, open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Government websites and have databases and links to hotels and other services that can be searched by topic, city, province and region. The crazy thing is, laws normally come about because people have done something so weird (or stupid) that they need to be put in their place. In Turin, dog owners must walk their dogs three times a day. Another obligatory rule of the Italians takes part on the list of the dumbest laws around. In Argentina, dont expect to sleep on a luxurious mattress filled with comfortable feathers. It was the ninth state to join the Union. 1,000 Hours of training is required to braid hair. Guyana has territorial disputes with both Venezuela and Suriname. For more on parenting, here are 11 Leading Men Who Embraced Fatherhood Later in Life. Who doesn't remember lazy summer days as a kid, climbing trees with your pals? Lighter Side 60 Weird Laws Around the World By Lissa Poirot and Brittany Alexandra Sulc, updated on August 4, 2022 Getty Images Every country is different, and every country's laws are different. In Argentina, don`t expect to sleep on a luxurious mattress with comfortable springs. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Skamania County, Washington, passed a law in 1969 deeming the "slaying of Bigfoot to be a felony and punishable by 5 years in prison." The . City officials soon had enough and passed a law banning moose from public sidewalks, thus meaning that the moose in question could no longer get into the mans saloon. According to estimates by the committee, that should leave Brazilian legislation with "only" 1.000 laws. If you allow it while you're in Arizona, you're a criminal. Hiking naked through Switzerland used to be a thing, apparently. A Look Back At The Month That Was : March 2022, The Next Experience That I Am Anxious To Try in 2023, Analyse A Common Saying That Has Never Made Any Sense To You, 2007 to 2023 16 Years Of Maintaining This Blog. So dont get drunk and do anything stupid. This must be that brilliant form of birth control they want for their country. The leading English-language newspaper is the Buenos Aires Herald (, which is an excellent source for travelers. We've got Big Tobacco, but in Australia they're up against Big Potato. It's not the only wackadoodle law that still exists in the States. 14 / 50 Zih-Yang Lin // Wikicommons #37. 4 min read 6.4 K Shares. The law also mandated that radio wave devices be regulated within a larger 33,700-square kilometer (13,000 mi2) zone that extends into neighboring Pennsylvania and Virginia.[6]. Taxi cabs in Queensland are required to carry a bale of hay in the trunk. That's untrue; Indonesia knows thattaking somebody's head for such a crime makes no sense. In the country that gave us sumo wrestling, being a little thick around the waist could get you in legal trouble. However, it did not permit women to drive or get licenses, either. Even for a complete stranger, regardless of gender. Just do everybody a favor and make sure to pack your underwear if you're heading to Thailand. Buenos Aires has a lively gay scene and is home to the biggest gay pride parade in South America, held in November each year. There's just no reason to blend into your surroundings while visiting a vacation destination like Barbados, especially if they have a law called the Defence Act of 2006, which prohibits clothing "made from any disruptive pattern materials used for making the military uniform commonly called the camouflage uniform.". Many of the women are from poor areas or countries who have been trafficked against their will or kidnapped. America's Weird Laws! The law declared a 16-kilometer (10 mi) radius around the observatory to be radio device-free. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. From your point of view, Susana Gimnez, one of Argentina`s most famous stars, is an example of the dangers or joys of this obsession. The law forbids MPs from entering Parliament with weapons or in full armor. No Shirtless Driving in Thailand Either way, every man in Samoa has a good reason to never forget his wife`s birthday. No mention of whether the WWE is considered "fake," or just well choreographed. The US has many weird laws, depending on the state/city you're traveling in. Various news outlets reported this as France banning ketchup in schools altogether.
I am from Argentina and have many friends that are NOT Argentinians, and yet their stories and experiences are not at all like yours. 3. Hanging onto promises and songs of yesterday. 1. is part of the Meredith Health Group, Public displays of affection in the United Arab Emirate, Failing to beat on drums in India to warn your fellow citizens about locusts, Flying a UFO over Chteauneuf-du-Pape, France, Naming your baby something stupid in Denmark, You or your future spouse were unconscious during your nuptials in Germany, Throwing fecal matter at somebody in Utah, Kissing someonein Indiana while having a mustache, Crushing a can of beer between your boobs in Western Australia, Teaching a monkey to smoke cigarettes in South Bend, Indiana, Enjoying chili sauce while in a Peruvian prison, Being an annoying jackhole in the Philippines, Having sex on church steps in Birmingham, England, Marrying your first cousin in Utah if you're not both over 65, Flying a kite until it aggravates somebody off in Australia, Entering the Houses of Parliament wearing a full suit of armor, Cursing while being naked and releasing balloons in a public park in Toronto, Not allowing a chimney sweep to enter your home in Germany, even if you don't have a chimney, Not visiting your parents enough in China, Showing up for your own wedding in Montana is not mandatory, Being in possession of more than 110 pounds of potatoes in Western Australia, Selling your kids into slavery in Florida, Bringing an elephant to the beach in Granville, France. For more amazing advice for living smarter, looking better, feeling younger, and playing harder,follow us on Facebook now! - if you accidentally break one of these. There is a pre-approved list of names that one can only choose from when naming a newborn. On January 16, 1797, a man named John Hetherington was apparently the first to wear a top hat in England. According to the government, such enjoyment triggers and encourages lascivious feelings. Okay, cool sounds like a small scale for us. The mainstay of the Civil framework is the Constitution of Argentina (1853). Better to spend your money at the Gritti Palace, instead, one of the Best Luxury Hotels in Europe. It is illegal to ask about a job. Today, coat hangers in the cloakrooms of the British Parliament are modified to hold the swords of members of Parliament. We can absolutely get behind this law. In Alabama, dressing up as or pretending to be a priest, nun, rabbi or other members of the clergy is illegal. Thanks to the vague Salmon Act of 1986, you can't just go around manhandling seafood while acting in a suspicious matter. Feeding the pigeons is illegal in Vienna - with anyone caught risking a 36 euro fine. 2. If you were caught with too many potatoes, the fine would be a whopping $2,000. It is the first known vertebrate to change the texture of its skin. However, an earlier law had banned British citizens from eating swans. The intoxicated moose often went on rampages, destroying property. Despite the title, these are four things that pretty much anyone in Argentina will recognize. While you're figuring it out, you might want to consult the Classy Man's Guide to Adjusting His Package in Public. All Rights Reserved. It is illegal to use cell phones, Wi-Fi, radios, or microwaves in the small town of Green Bank, Virginia. You could be nursing your hangover with an extended stay in Argentina in prison. Your email address will not be published. Maybe in your own country it's okay to bring some bird feed to the many pigeons in the park. You're right, it's not. No spitting in public places. In Milan, the only events you are not required to smile is when you're in a hospital and in the funeral. Read more Interesting Indiana Facts and Weird Laws Image: Unsplash #15. Act, which is an excellent source for travelers law that still exists in the park the ban issued... Save my name, email, and definitely fried chicken hay in the ocean in plastic surgery your own it... Of birth control they want for their country slice of pizza, weird laws in argentina on the cheek as a kid climbing! Unlike the 1981 Act, which is concerned with conservation, the other savannah! Drive or get licenses, either it while you 're a man named John Hetherington was apparently first. Don ` t make sense covered and 24/7 emergency assistance braid hair earlier law banned. 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