And he had access to the parking garage while it was in construction. Suzie appeared to be distressed. IDK if she threatened to become an informant but believe like lots of mistresses saw n heard too much. At MIT they are studying how to see through concrete. Hi, Please send me an email if you end up starting a go fund me so I can donate, Thanks Sarah. West claimed Sirhan was the subject of psychic driving, a mind-altering technique involving hypnosis or paralytic drugs. Either theyre there or not. Whatever keeps the pressure on the PD. Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou. Funds arent required for that, Abbyseveral people have offered to pay for it. Suzie Streeter was 19 on June 7th, 1992. Then they join their cars parked near the house. Sherrill Elizabeth Levitt was age 47 at the time of her disappearance. For the next year and a half, my television would change channels to a show with a hospital theme on a regular basis. I believe theyve had so many tips from psychics, etc., that theyve grown a bit jaded. Or was that only assumption for some reason? If the engineer offered to pay for the core sample, why not let him? Heard that! WHy does Mrs.McCall think her daughter was the one being stalked? A convenience store clerk, and a pregnant woman taken from a grocery store parking lot while on the payphone. The girls had enough time to get ready for bed, maybe even go to bed. Just like one would see on a shampoo commercial. They could be very alive or they could be very dead. I had no idea about the psychics dog, but I agree, that does sound strange and not something to base an investigation on. People like you saying the mom was a drug whore blah blah, is what made this case unsolvable. All dimensions are approximate. This case has hounted me as well here in Finland after seeing the episode on tv. Youre not a conspiracy theorist at all. After I had experienced my vision with Stacy in 1998 and had first written about it, it wasnt well received. Come on, open the area of the hospital parking garage indicated. Too many weird parts to that story. Suzie Streeter Three of them were from Springfield, was his reply. I really dont understand the reluctance by the police to dig the spot. Im not sure what the hold-up is, especially if the police dont have to pay for it. Maybe if someone could get a petition going and get the hospital in on it to get an independent core sample but once you have the ok take it to a local judge and ask for the police to be present incase something is found they can take it into evidence. I was 12 years old when the women disappeared. They leave, probably with other young people, and perhaps separately, to return to downtown Springfield. In August of 2000, I was going back over my vision with Stacy and I realized something. Her daughter was probably an innocent victim. I think it was on the episode and he was already in jail. My idea is you park there go into the dark corner bang the hammer a couple times. I had spoken with Tim Gray several times in 2006 and met him once in July 2006. , It is really strange that all three women disappeared at once. It appears this is where he left them. Incredulous, Janis specifies to Janelles sister that Stacy was inevitably here, explaining that Stacy had called her around 10.30 p.m. to announce her that she was staying at the Kirbys. Great idea!!! 3. I think the plan was to kill Suzie, but they could not separate her from the other two and as a result, they all were killed. By the time anyone could see it or report it or security could get there the ground would already be tore up enough for a core sample or even to show any plastic that they would be wrapped in. Or is it your friend?, PREFERRED: CashApp -, Check/Money Order/Cash (Mail w/Tracking - Return Customers Only) PO Box 99, Jasper, OH 45692, Its extremely frustrating. My heart goes out to all the families. Hi, Topix no longer exists by the time I am reading this, would you mind posting what was said there? There was no forced entry into the home and we have the shattered glass from the globe on the front porch. 7). You are right that it was Cox, I myself pick up on things and what I got was a young man with dark hair looked about late 20s. That seems way too elaborate. Anyway, my thoughts are with the families and friends. Its such a sad and creepy story. Ozarks True Crime is an editaudio Original investigative podcast based on true crime in the mysterious and oft-forgotten region of the Ozark Mountains. Springfield is very crooked town now and always has been. That still makes me think that the perpetrator was basking in the glory of his work. Also, since she was close friends with Suzie and went to school with her, she had to have known that Suzie or her mom smoked. Not having heard from her daughter Stacy by mid-morning, Janis McCall calls Janelle Kirbys house. She has seen spirit since childhood. Unsolved: The Springfield Three . I hope it will be solved soon for the families. I have read over and over that they were buried at Cox South while the garage was under construction. I worked there from 1998-2002 and they had not even began construction on it. Instead, at a certain time the girls leave the boys party. He told me I dont believe in ghosts, Ken. After that, his device picked up a signal for ovaries, which led him to the exact spot. Just got done watching disappeared, for the sake of the family the police department needs to dig up the concrete in the parking garage, regardless to their thoughts, they need to do anything in thier power to give those family justice, period point blank, doesnt matter how many leads you have followed & be nothing, so many tips have took you to that parking garage, get off your butts & give that family a little justice knowing if thier are there or not,WHATS IT GOING TO HURT, how about this Springfield police what if it was your family or friend that disappeared, tips lead you there would you ignore it or dig up that parking garage? So many theories! Surrey Ive also seen the ground penetrating radar results and then did extensive research on ground-penetrating radar. My daddy and mother died recently and they were grieved terribly over what had happened as they knew the mother. That is just weird? Except that the door is not closed and that nobody answers. I would be furiously trying to dig the place to at least rule that oportunity out if I was her. Thank you, MHamby. Thanks for the respectful response, Mark. Could the police confirm that the 8 am phone call existed and if It was actually from a pervert? Disappearance Food for thought. When the cars were discovered the next day, her car was not parked in the carport, it was in the circle, the carport was empty. Welcome, reader from Argentina! She pleaded with him, but he ultimately shot her too. At the end of class, he said that we didnt have to turn in our homework. Im assuming your vision was about what happened to Stacy? The family member also told me Larry and accomplices returned the next summer in the dark teal van that was Larrys killing machine. I hope the Cox familys money wont keep these poor families from getting some closure. Police reveal new leads in 1992 case of the Springfield Three after two teens and mom vanished without a trace following high school graduation Sherrill Levitt, 47, her daughter Suzanne. All of their personal belongings, including cars and purses, were left behind. Thanks for sharing it. Why cant the public smoke them out? While the teenager was still in the house, the phone rang. Over 23 years later, the women still have not been seen, but there have been several leads. Id put money on thats where theyre buried at. I was reading about this serial killer that has crossed the USA and killed many people, he was actually in our area heading to Arkansas in 1992. But After reading Bridgette s comments i am surprised. If only police are holding this upwhat do they have to lose. They had motive, no alibi, and they are your most likely culprits. What am I missing? And with that, hope wont go away for good. So I dont know. After that, I was able to put together Right Behind Cox Hospital South. At one point, there was talk of the girls sleeping at the boys house. And what of the engineer who found three irregularities in the concrete in the garage, as if something is buried underneath? In 2010, he was convicted of killing Jackie Johns who was murdered in 1985. He may have been reveling in the event. Perhaps she was protecting her father? It has truley got my heart and I can only hope one day there will be closure!! I agree one of the attackers was known to the women or at least charmed his way inside somehow. Details: On June 6, 1992, best friends Stacy McCall and Suzanne Streeter graduated from Kickapoo High School in Springfield, Missouri. Ready to Help You - Professional Psychics. Its always great to hear from people who live in the town. Did they ever find out? I'm not sure where the disconnect was. By the way, a relative of Stacys also experienced a vision with her a few years ago. How would you have known? Im out of the country until June, so cant call, but I can chat on email if that helps. Welcome to my blog, Shawna. Her friend Stacy McCall was born on April 23, 1974 (she is 18 in 1992), was 510 and weighed 54 kg, had long dark blonde hair and light eyes. Sometimes ticks show up when we are nervous. I hope the man who did it was punished. I completely agree with you, Jetuan. If they were to find something, there is nobody to arrest. I really doubt anyone has tried to retrieve the message from the tape using todays technology, but thats an excellent point.,, Missing The Springfield Three Discover: True Crime. The sketch artists pic does strongly resemble Larry Halls brother. It might be worth a shot to have him looked into. Agreed, it is extremely sad. SPRINGFIELD, Mo. A small core sample would not damage the floor or cause much disruption. There us a theory that explains everything. It wasnt until 1994, that the DNA Identification Act gave the FBI the authority to start a national DNA index to assist with solving crimes in the U.S. Before then, it was barely utilized; Touch DNA wouldnt be available for another decade or so. Something dont feel right there. All artwork, photography, text and content copyright is owned by their respective creators. The broken globe, as you have said, may have been the perpetrators ploy to call attention to the scene sooner so that he would still be close when it was discovered. Also the police cant stop the hospital from digging themselves. We go deep into the psychology, planning, and the perverse will that a suspect would have had to employ to kidnap and murder the Springfield . Apparently the police are not convinced, since this discovery was made in 2010, and theyve refused to have a core sample taken from the concreteeven though the engineer offered to pay for it. The fact that there was a male caller who seemed to know when the friend was in the house really creeps me out. However, the brains capability to rationalize anything is a powerful, powerful thing. Her name was Paulette Webster. Of course rumors mean nothing but I wanted to throw that out there. Whoever is saying no to digging up concrete Not only did Cox have a uniform supposably he was seen in the area posing as a utility person which nobody would think twice about. Why not drill down and take a core sample of the area in question? As far as psychics are concerned - or at least as far as this psychic is concerned, I'd suggest you remember that the 'ignore' button works both ways. Juneteenth commemorates the most revolutionary event in American history, the end of chattel slavery. It is a celebration of the liberation of some 4 million people from the brutality of bondage and exploitation. They became known as "The Springfield Three." Over the years, many tips have come in regarding their disappearance. She is an untapped well of knowledge for this case. I just watched a 48 hours mystery on YouTube about this case and it said the police were looking into the possibility of digging up the parking lot in 2010. He presented a detailed Brain scratch show about this case in you tube, and he is a person eager to investigate. Did he just randomly select that house? Not sure if anyone is still checking up on this website but my dad has always been obsessed with this case. I am the curious reporter. I use to live in Springfieldnot in 1992 but was in a RN program that did clinicals at Cox South during that time frame and that garage WAS UNDER CONSTRUCTION and cement was not all poured at the same time. Also theres some evidence that he had connections with the company and contractors building the garage at the time. She already likely felt awkward going in to the house uninvited, and the avg person would not jump to strange conclusions so soon, as she had seen the girls nearly 6 hours earlier, and she saw that they changed clothes etc.. The phone calls that came when the friend and boyfriend were at the house. If they strongly believed the women were buried in the parking garage, I think they would dig. Suzies boyfriend was Dustin Reclanot Reckler. And I would not judge whether or not someone is emotional by how you, yourself would react in the same situation. Nothing in my post had anything to do with that. "Digging up the area and subsequently reconstructing this structure would be extremely costly, and without any reasonable belief that the bodies could be located here, it is illogical to do so, and for those reasons SPD does not intend to. They should check the parking garage. Our highly-regarded centers offer a wide range of mental health services to all healthcare workers schedule an appointment with one of our centers today. On June 6, 1992, Suzie Streeter and Stacy McCall graduated from Kickapoo High School in Springfield, Missouri. I had hoped this case would get more attention than it has recently and it is coming up on a quarter of a century in three months. also, there was 15 people in that house before the police were even contacted that beyond messed up the crime scene. The floor doesnt need to be dug upa small core sample is all that is needed to determine once and for all whether there is organic material buried in the garage. it was an accident..what if the supposed man that called at 8 a.m. never called. The story is silent about Janelles boyfriend, who is supposed to go with Janelle and Suzies best friend, Nigel, to Branson. Just finished watching the disappeared episode and reading the comments here. 5) Reports IMMEDIATELY came in about the hospital because a small portion of the parking garage was under construction. Thanks for stopping by, Lynn. Wouldnt it get better? This case is really strange. So sorry to hear you were raped, Sondra. Its population is about 500,000 (currently) of course it has its share of drugs but it certainly isnt a defining characteristic. Still nothing happening in the parking lot??? And the engineer agreed to pay for it right? Hi! The prime perp has not and will not be publicly named. There have been rumors that Gerald was involved in the drug trade at that time which led to rumors of a connection to Sherrill through drugs. Thanks for the kind words. Some areas of focus are: conspiracies, paranormal, medical intuition, relationships and life issues. Like some of the other people who commented, I grew up in the area and am roughly the same age as the girls. If they had waited and cleaned it up after seeing so much weird stuff inside, that would be a different story. How scary that girl must have been in that house when that creepy call came had to be someone who knew them and was watching the house. Whatever happened to Sherrill, Suzie, and Stacy? The obscene caller thing is creepy. If thats the case I have to believe it was someone they knew or at least one of them knew. When authorities arrived there, nothing appeared to be disturbed other than the porch light . [1] The pair planned to spend the night at their friend Janelle Kirby's house, but when they decided Kirby's house was too crowded, they instead left to go to Streeter's (and thus Levitt's) home at 1717 East Delmar Street to retire for the night. The sister answers her that she did not stay at their place. Thats what I said to the mrs. Use a diamond core drill and have the dog test for smell. I appreciate the thought. Suzanne Streeter (19) and Stacy McCall (18), two friends who had reunited after what years, finally went home to sleep at the home of one of their mothers before leaving in the morning for the water park. I even read people cleaned, like wiped tables down, did dishes.. Its very suspicious that the last person to see them alive was the first person to come back in the morning after they were missing, cleans up the broken light, plays messages.. Hilltop Spiritualist Church, 3045 Columbus Ave.,Springfield,OH,United States, Springfield, United States Jan 08 All Message Service Hilltop Spiritualist Church, 3045 Columbus Ave.,Springfield,OH,United States, Springfield, United States Jan 13 View all Upcoming Events Holiday Events in Washington People who pull gold teeth out of corpses will do anything. Unfortunately, funding usually falls short and they get scrapped. Agreed, we should have had answers by now. She comes to the house and sees broken glass and an open door and her boyfriend Micheal grabs a broom and decides to clean up but you say it was her Dad. A friend of the mother? I thought it was strange the first girl didnt notify the police. I really need to know why they refuse to do so if everything is been paid for. It is such a sad and frustrating caseI can only imagine how the families must feel each and every day! I do not think she had anything to do with their disappearance. I agree with you respecting the origins of the rumour, but the fact is, as many people have noticed, that an expert-and not a psychic- has found or distinguished three anomalies similar to what could be found or expected to find in a cemetery In a case full of mislead clues (if clues at all) this information should at least be given a try, so as to prove it wrong or not. Unless otherwise noted, all images are owned and copyrighted by their respective holders and are presented here for educational purposes within fair use terms of US Code: Title 17, Sec. They arrived at the home of Stacy's mother, Sherill Levitt, around 2am the next morning and were never seen again. But.. That part of Missouri can be prone to the small earthquakes large tornadoes. [6] Police were "very interested" in the call and believed it "may have contained a clue". . This case can and should be solved for the parents who loved and is so missing their daughter and for the family of the loved ones who still has a hole in their heart and deserve to know where their daughter and family is buried. I'm a mom of 4 embracing my 4th decade. Ive been following this story sincell I was like 9 I think. Without proof, for sure doubt any weird calls came in. Perplexed, Janelle and her boyfriend Mike H. go first to Shanes house, the friend who had dropped the three girls in front of the house during the night. It points at a combination of people the victims knew and people who they did not. A plumber shot to death after he ran over a motorcyclist while drunk, dude shot in the BACK three times behind a tat shop, gun found in a dumpster 100-200 feet away yet ruled a sucicide. In Springfield, all sorts of hypotheses are circulating about one or the other of these suspects, of which there are no less than seven at the time. I am the reporter who has offered to pay for the core sample at the parking garage. Truly a tragic case. I wonder if its just the thought of the inconvenience. There was no theft. [2][10] In June 1997, a bench was dedicated to the women inside the Victim's Memorial Garden in Springfield's Phelps Grove Park.[14]. Iwould be interested as I have not heard his name before in conjunction with this case. I also believe Stacy got caught in the middle of something gone very wrong. So many questions, possibilities and what ifs. This leads me to another point: Police may possibly have a lead suspect or evidence and are not releasing that info(personally doubtful on this). Outside, the light was still on. Also, Id check to see if theres any connection between the construction company, or its employees, city surveyors, any city worker that handles construction permits, Hospital executives that knew of the construction Basically anyone from the City, the Hospital, Construction company, D.As, Judges, police officers, or investigators that may be related, went to school with, was in College with, etc. Other police on the force at that time of whom I did know were extremely frustrated with the way the district attorney and the police chief were taking them at that time. Let us not forget the evil excuse for a human being that held Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry and her daughter and Georgina DeJesus captive for many years. We have a witness who identified one of the accomplices as driving a dark, windowless van away from the S3 abduction site that night. It is said, and several good detective stories assert it, that the best place to hide something is in the most evident location. But nope. they really should check it out. It doesnt hold absolute that they are NOT buried anywhere. God i wish i could had been there to protect them when this happened. I havent seen a drug conviction for either so who knows. Why would someone assume that? I suspect their spirits are still wandering around that area, let's hope somebody will lead them to the spiritual world soon. My heart hurts for these families. Julie Ann Moseley A brother? A 1992 Springfield cop was unlikely to have used lingo about DNA forensics, or even known about the specifics of the emerging technology. Good grief! Hey Mark. Id want to be assured that enough people are dedicated to this before taking that step. Some people sound emotional, some use a monotone (especially if having to tell the same story again). She has like three or four nervous ticks going off in her face muscles when she is talking. There is no way on earth that these women could not have been found had the Springfield P [6], McCall's parents contacted police in reference to their daughter's disappearance from Levitt's home more than sixteen hours after the women were last seen, and other worried friends and family called and visited the home the following day. Anyways back to the three women. I hope he did tell his story to the police when he had the chance. Just wanted to put my thoughts out there. Animals dig them up and strew the bones around, weather reveals them over time, people going for hikes, etc., stumble across them. WHAT ABOUT THE HALL BROTHERS AND THEIR COUSIN ? He was the last person to see them. In 1992, casual friends and neighbors often cleaned up, cooked, and babysat for others who were known to be experiencing difficulties of some sort. Still, perhaps its worthy of an update. And I was told that it was consistent with what I had experienced. Just finished watching the episode on Dissappeared. For some reason I thought they DID dig up the garage and found nothing. I agree, Mishaat least the sample wouldnt destroy too much of the garages floor and shouldnt be that expensive or that extensive an undertaking. While Janelle and Mike are present, the phone rings. Stacy McCall is the reason why there is a parking garage video. Opinions are fine, we all have them, but when you are spreading false rumors and making them sound like facts, you are part of the problem! Although there are still more questions and few answers there is still hope of finding the truth. the police have personally told the people they have interviewed over they years, including myself, that they know the people that were involved in this, but without evidence, and remains the case would never be prosecuted. Thirdly, the offensive calls to the house answered by the friend is a juvenile thing to do that is, something a teen would do. this investigation would be different and a lot more questions would be asked to the person or persons that cleaned up the crime scene. All reports are that the beds were slept in and ther where clothes neatly folded that one of the girls wore the night before and the tvs were on. We'll talk about a group of men who were arrested for stealing gold fillings out of corpses' mouths in a local cemeteryone of whom was dating Suzie. Concerning me more is that it was a new residence for the girls. Missing of Agatha Christie To accommodate Suzie and Stacy she had placed a pallet on the floor of her living room. Its okay. This suggests to me the perp or perps probably knew police procedure. I cant understand how three women have disappeared even before I was born and they are still missing. i agree but they have been missing sence 1992 so if they still havent found anything this why is this case still open? She spent the early part of the evening having dinner at home with her mother. just did not have sufficient monies to carry this case forward. Correct me but werent there a man who said he would reveal the secrets of this case after his mother passes away? Springfield Psychological provides a full range of programs and services with psychologists, clinical social workers, psychiatrists and masters level counselors. Dont believe every piece of gossip you hear and certainly dont spread rumors about people that arent here to defend themselves. I hope they find some answers for Stacys moms sake. Sherrill Levitt Thank you for noting that he was cleared and still haunted by what happened to his mother and sister.