For the services arising in each fiscal year under sections 505.27 to 505.33 of the Revised Code, the township fiscal officer shall be allowed the compensation fixed by the board of township trustees. (2) Notwithstanding division (C)(1) of this section, an appointing authority may appoint or employ a person as a permanent, full-time paid firefighter or a volunteer firefighter if all of the following apply: (a) The fire chief has requested a criminal records check pursuant to division (A) of this section. (2) "Law enforcement officer" means a sheriff, deputy sheriff, constable, police officer of a township or joint police district, marshal, deputy marshal, municipal police officer, or state highway patrol trooper. 201 east lincoln street - rear findlay, oh 45840 phone: 419.422.3245 fax: 419.424.7293 hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm When the number of townships and municipal corporations comprising a joint fire district is reduced to one, the joint fire district ceases to exist by operation of law, and the funds, credits, and property remaining after apportionments to withdrawing municipal corporations or townships shall be assumed by the one remaining township or municipal corporation. If, within thirty days after such publication, a protest petition is filed with the board, signed by at least fifty per cent of the electors residing in the district, the act of the board in creating such district shall be void. BZA-2022-11-21.mp3. Chapter 2744. of the Revised Code, insofar as it applies to the operation of police departments, applies to any township police department, township police district, or township police constable's office, and to its members or constables when they are rendering service outside their own subdivision pursuant to a contract entered into under this section. The fiscal officer is not eligible for appointment as compliance officer. Before entering upon official duties, the clerk shall execute a bond, in the amount and with surety to be approved by the board, payable to the state, and conditioned for the faithful performance of all official duties required of the clerk. In no case shall the aggregate total of the assessments imposed exceed the cost of the maintenance or improvement. The board also may appropriate general revenue fund moneys for any other expenses it considers necessary that are related to any potential or pending annexation actions. The auditor then shall place the charges on the tax duplicate for the ensuing December installment of taxes, for collection. If the measure is not approved by a majority of the electors voting on it, the township police district shall continue to occupy its existing territory until altered as provided in this section or section 505.48 of the Revised Code, and any existing tax imposed under section 505.51 of the Revised Code shall remain in effect in the existing district at the existing rate and for as long as provided in the resolution under the authority of which the tax is levied. (3) If a fire chief requests a criminal records check pursuant to division (A) of this section, an appointing authority may appoint or employ a person as a permanent, full-time paid firefighter or volunteer firefighter conditionally until the criminal records check is completed and the fire chief receives the results. The filing fee for candidates is $30. (2) If a board of township trustees adopts local residential building regulations and the board of county commissioners subsequently adopts such regulations, the township regulations shall be of no force and effect one year after the county regulations become effective or at an earlier date as the board of township trustees provides. German Township is one of the ten townships of Clark County, Ohio, United States. Members of the board may be compensated at a rate not to exceed thirty dollars per meeting for not more than fifteen meetings per year, and may be reimbursed for all necessary expenses incurred, as provided in the agreement creating the district. Any notice the board publishes or posts shall include the time, date, and place of the public hearing. Trustee Don Keller Don Keller, Chair, was elected to serve as a Trustee beginning in 2018. The board may appoint all necessary employees, fix their compensation, and prescribe their duties. Christina Kusnerak 330.635.3327 . (H)(1) Nothing in this section affects the authority of a board of township trustees to adopt and enforce resolutions under section 505.173 of the Revised Code to regulate the storage of junk motor vehicles on private or public property in the unincorporated territory of the township. Increases in property taxes must be approved by voters. Contracts for the improvements shall be made in the same manner as other contracts. (B) For the purpose of maintaining and improving navigable waterways in the township, the board of township trustees, by resolution, may annually levy a special assessment upon facilities directly or indirectly benefiting from the maintenance and improvement of waterways. (C) The training the parking enforcement officers shall receive shall include instruction in general administrative rules and procedures governing the parking enforcement unit, the role of the judicial system as it relates to parking regulation and enforcement, proper techniques and methods relating to the enforcement of parking laws, human interaction skills, and first aid. Witnesses shall be paid the fees and mileage provided for under section 1901.26 of the Revised Code, and the costs of all such proceedings shall be payable from the general fund of the township or joint police district. A board of township trustees shall not levy the tax authorized by this section in any city or village. (I) As used in this section, "internet identifier of record" has the same meaning as in section 9.312 of the Revised Code. Trustees also have permissive authority to erect monuments to commemorate those who died in the service of their country, and a board of township trustees may provide artificial lighting when it is determined that public safety requires such lighting. The contract may provide for a fixed annual charge to be paid at the times agreed upon and stipulated in the contract. Upon the sale of any unclaimed property as provided in section 505.108 of the Revised Code, if any of the unclaimed property was ordered removed to a place of storage or stored, or both, by or under the direction of the head of the organized police department of the township, township police district, joint police district, or office of a township constable, any expenses or charges for the removal or storage, or both, and costs of sale, provided they are approved by the head of the department, district, or office, shall first be paid from the proceeds of the sale. The cost shall be the lowest bid from among at least three bids solicited and received by the applicant. House Bill 652, enacted in 1998, designated Feb. 1 as Ohio Township Day. When a board of township trustees cannot, by deed of gift or by purchase and upon terms it considers reasonable, procure land for a township fire station that is needed in order to respond in reasonable time to a fire or medical emergency, the board may appropriate land for that purpose under sections 163.01 to 163.22 of the Revised Code. According to the . To initiate removal proceedings, and for such purpose, the board shall designate a private citizen to investigate the conduct and prepare the necessary charges in conformity with sections 733.35 to 733.39 of the Revised Code. Dr. Geyer was elected to Trustee and took office in January 2012. Pursuant to Chapter 133. of the Revised Code, the board of trustees of a fire district organized under division (C) of section 505.37 of the Revised Code may issue bonds for the purpose of acquiring fire-fighting equipment, buildings, and sites for the district or for the purpose of constructing or improving buildings to house fire-fighting equipment. All funds arising from such an excise tax shall be deposited in the township treasury and may be expended for any lawful purpose. (B) The board of township trustees of a township which is composed in whole or in part of islands may acquire by purchase, gift, devise, bequest, lease, condemnation proceedings, or otherwise, real or personal property to establish, construct, enlarge, improve, equip, maintain, and operate airports, landing fields, or other air navigation facilities, and may acquire by purchase, gift, devise, lease, or condemnation proceedings rights-of-way for connections with highways and waterways. On the first day of July of the year following the adoption of the resolution, the unincorporated township territory described in the resolution ceases to be a part of the district, and the power of the fire district to levy a tax upon taxable property in that territory terminates, except that the fire district shall continue to levy and collect taxes for the payment of indebtedness within the territory of the fire district as it was composed at the time the indebtedness was incurred. In order to obtain police protection, or to obtain additional police protection, any township may enter into a contract with one or more townships, municipal corporations, park districts created pursuant to section 511.18 or 1545.01 of the Revised Code, county sheriffs, joint police districts, or with a governmental entity of an adjoining state upon any terms that are agreed to by them, for services of police departments or use of police equipment, or the interchange of the service of police departments or use of police equipment within the several territories of the contracting subdivisions, if the contract is first authorized by respective boards of township trustees or other legislative bodies. The boards of township trustees of any two or more townships or the legislative authorities of any two or more political subdivisions, or any combination thereof, may through joint action unite in the joint purchase, rental, maintenance, use, and operation of solid waste facilities and prorate the expense on any terms that may be mutually agreed upon. A property's useful life shall be determined either by the maximum number of installment payments permitted under the statute that authorizes the board to acquire the property or, if there is no such provision, by the maximum number of years to maturity provided for the issuance of bonds in division (B) of section 133.20 of the Revised Code for that property. The time, date, and place of bid openings may be extended to a later date by the board of trustees of the district, provided that written or oral notice of the change shall be given to all persons who have received or requested specifications no later than ninety-six hours prior to the original time and date fixed for the opening. Ohio law permits townships to provide fire protection directly or by contract with townships, municipalities and other jurisdictions. (1) "Immediate family" means a spouse, who resides in the same household, and children. Reset Search View Past Events Other Events Such opportunities include periodic events for, "Ohio's Townships: Spending, Taxing & Borrowing Less", Register Now for the OTA Winter Conference, Nominate Now for 2023 Ohio Fire Service Hall of Fame Awards, Press Release: HB 501 Passes, to be Signed by Governor. 513-734-4444. (4) The suspension or termination of the appointment or employment of a chief of police, patrol officer, or other peace officer under division (D)(2) of this section shall be in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. Any municipal corporation or township may withdraw from a district, whether created under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section, by its legislative authority's adoption of a resolution ordering withdrawal. 301, as amended. In 1804, the elected officials of a township consisted of three trustees, a clerk, two overseers of the poor, and a sufficient number of supervisors of highway in addition to justices of the peace and constables. (D) Any municipal corporation or township, or parts of them, may join an existing joint fire district by the adoption of a resolution requesting such membership and upon approval of the board of fire district trustees. Convincing A Judge To Remove A Trustee. Section 505.012 | Appointment or election of board member to district governing body. Whoever violates section 505.106 of the Revised Code shall be fined not less than twice the value of any property not deposited as provided by that section, but not more than three thousand dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. A complete summary of the law applicable to townships is beyond the scope of this website. A similar notice also shall be posted continually throughout the calendar year in a conspicuous place in the board's office. A board of township trustees that grants or lends moneys to a political subdivision for this purpose shall expressly state the terms of the grant or loan agreement in a written memorandum. The trustees of a township operating a multipurpose senior center and the trustees of townships that have contracted to form a district for the purpose of jointly financing the operation of a multipurpose senior center may use township general funds to pay for the operating expenses of the multipurpose senior center which may include, but need not be limited to, the purchase of food, supplies, and equipment. (B) In lieu of collecting service charges from owners for the removal of snow or ice from an undedicated road by the board of township trustees as provided in division (A)(1) of this section, the board may enter into a contract with a developer whereby the developer agrees to pay the service charges for the snow and ice removal instead of the owners. (1) "Appointing authority" means any person or body that has the authority to hire, appoint, or employ permanent, full-time paid firefighters and volunteer firefighters under section 505.38 of the Revised Code. Any time the board adds a building nuisance to the list, it shall certify an updated copy of the list to the county auditor. The Ohio Township Association has more than 5,000 active members, made up of trustees and fiscal officers from Ohio's 1,308 townships, and more than 3,000 associate members. (b) It includes a statement that the notice is posted on the board's internet web site.