Thanks Lilas, totally get where you're coming from and taken on board. Current property values have ensured that this mistake will never be righted. Super difficult problem, maybe councils could buy beachfronts then lease back the properties. He said when the work is complete, sand will be pushed up to cover most of the seawall. I doubt there will be a demand for the effected given the inevitable. "Sea walls do nothing to ensure the ongoing conservation of the beach in front of them," Mr Donohoe told crowds. Turned this place into a concreters paradise. "Protective works are a far preferable measure to a vertical seawall," he said. They are the real villains, as regardless of what anyone says or does, these idiots can allow or disallow engineering developments so the buck stops there! With the benefit of ignorance, having not seen the actual plans, I'd be surprised if the foundations were able to fail easily as I'd expect they'd have been designed explicitly to avoid it. Apparently this is just one part of the seawall. Mentioned in a previous article (linked below) - the region hosts submarine cables, so it's part of the Northern Sydney Protection Zone. they might be right basis forecasts but beachfront owners bought in an area that didnt previously exhibit high erosion issues. My understanding is that the hard seawall was constructed with the specific intention to protect the private property behind the wall. It is possible that this is part of the Silverback's Seachange pork barrel rollout. Yes it is. We took the easy way, down towards the ocean and along on the back of the dune. High rise apartment buildings demolished when they realised it was the most cost effective and environmentally sound long term solution. Among many objectives, it outlines how people living in threatened property might defend their homes. There isnt much fetch so its only ever weak 1-4ft tops of onshore wave after wave onslaught, this a particular problem at high tide caus most bays and points usually go flat at high tide but under an easterly scenario the easterly windswell pushes right up to the dunes, and easterly swells require lots of wind and from what Ive read on swellnet these large storms if the pressure is low enough will raise sea levels higher than normal. (btw if you're the Jody P I'm thinking of, you're an absolute legend mate!). High-quality Collaroy Beach Wall Art designed and sold by artists. Having said that, nature usually finds a way to overcome most "permanent" human structures, and they often seem to forget that the wall isn't continuous.yet. As parts of the great ocean rd have began to crumble into the ocean. The 18-year-old scored a near-perfect 9.50 in the Final, held at Seaside Reef in Encinitas, California. Step 5: Construct the Seawall. The public should not suffer loss of amenity or pay the costs to protect it. These very costly bandaids never work and continue to fail while extending the problem to adjacent properties that don't have the wall. Engineered to Australian Standards. A development application (DA) before Northern Beaches Council would see two additional sections of vertical wall built 50 and 30 metres in length straddling the South Narrabeen Surf Club. They are frequently used in locations where further shore erosion will result in excessive damage, e.g. Just like when the stock price of a company increases because of a speculated takeover bid. At this point, the relocation business case doesn't seem to stack up. Establishment and set out of site survey control points. This has cut into the base of the dunes below the surf club. However, the bean counters and quantity surveyors were extremely difficult for obvious reasons. From deep state secret spot to modern media darling, what lessons can we learn from Cape Solander's evolution? The 18-year-old scored a near-perfect 9.50 in the Final, held at Seaside Reef in Encinitas, California. If you look further to the north you can see an old, crumbling seawall (due for replacement- fucking industry perpetuates itself) and you can see the water breaks right on it, there's no sand. oh yeah and someone call security. "Once this is up it'll be a momentum for others to do it too," said Orth. It breaks my heart. Thats tens of thousands of homes). It is worth remembering that this council, as Warringah, council, was twice dismissed for corruption and incompetence. Instead they provide a caveat for bulldozing sand from low on the beach to higher on the beach in times of heightened storm activity - which only lowers the beachs natural defence system. Action: Casey Johnston to forward initial site visit details to Taskforce members, noting there will be a further site visit as the project progresses". Go figure! There is a significant risk that, as Craig suggested, end wall erosion will simply move the problem and lead to calls for extending the wall. They have access to and use a large suit of software modeling tools, but unfortinately a lot of them don't have outputs that non-scientists can get their head around [just numbers which are meaningless on the surface unless you understand what they represent.] Precarious! I wouldnt have thought there would be much fetch? exports the same quantity of energy in green electricity and hydrogen as it exports in thermal coal and liquefied natural gas. Beaches with hard structures can return, though it takes longer, and rocks and concrete in the wave zone also make for a dangerous combination. Such a shame. They have just set a precedent for the whole east coast of poor me multi millionaire landowners to set up squeaky wheel collectives. Same stretch of sand - another wall to protect public assets - Gary G has been erecting hard structures in the dunes around Victorian beaches for years. A bit like asking journos writing about climate change to include references scientific papers talking about how CO2 is a greenhouse gas. It would have been a bargain 20-30 years ago to buy the properties and return the space to the public for the purpose of more effective less intrusive, natural and cheaper remediation efforts. If they fall into the sea so be it. San Sebastian surfers are fighting a wavepool in their hometown, which is also the hometown of Wavegarden's founder. Existing market value must take into account that houses have erosion problems. At the same time it would put an end to the constant dredging and relocating of sand from Narrabeen The second DA is now here. And there's no risk. Would suck if you got amalgamated into Northern Beaches council then had to pay tax for this. Holds more water and replenish the beach? Contrast man-made against a natural barrier like mangroves (apologies for the sound, not my video), Trees work well for preventing erosion ONLY when the wave power is very minimal. Could be the camera angle but. sea wall is perfect. Any chance of a dedicated ErosionCam, Swellnet? Is Carties a perfect candidate for a coastal engineering and resculpting project that kills two birds with one stone: that fixes the harbour entrance shoaling problem and turns Carties into an actual quality wave? Futile. "community engagement", and my personal favourite "building resilience". These impacts would have been explicitly tied to that particular design option by the engineers and other specialists involved. Hear, hear! Lol. Well now we know who is responsible for this debacle. Some family recently went through this as their house sat above the construction zone for the Spit / Northern Beaches Link tunnel. In the future, the problems may well be exacerbated by the above but they did not cause it "in the first place". Seems from my research, we have actually made a lot of progress towards physics-based numerical modeling of near-shore/beach environments in the last 20 years or so. If he is an expert and this is what he designed, then I shudder to even imagine what the non-expert coastal engineers would design. Last Wave inalways team up with surf buddies to safely exit yer local Seachange Monstrosity. Wherever there's a seawall the sand/beach washes away and makes it virtually impossible to enter or exit the water, not to mention the impact on the birdlife, fish and crustaceans that depend on the seasonal sand flow that comes with a healthy beach. I'm not entirely sure, but one of the reasons why an offshore reef structure hasn't been considered for Narrabeen may be because it's part of the Northern Sydney Protection Zone, hosting submarine cables that connect Australia to various parts of the Pacific (including Japan). The reef/sand nourishment are both mainly designed to widen and protect the public property, ie the beach, in front of the buried seawall. Good point, Lilas, but I think the issues around hard structures and beach environments have been established for so long and are so well known in the coastal management field that it's taken as read. Honestly he might be correct based on the Manly erosion hahhaa. The primary mechanism for coastal land acquisition in NSW has been the Coastal Lands Protection Scheme, but it wasn't designed for climate/erosion buy-backs. In a story on Northern Beaches Review, Bob Orth, who lives in one of the houses behind the seawall, said the seawall should inspire others to do likewise. IT WILL NOT FUCKN WORK YA FLOGS.. 5/6 NE SWELL NOW.. a proper ECL .. will destroy it .. this frustrates me .. Or are they just doing it like politicians and getting consultants to advise them and simply ignoring it and doing what they want as they are not bound by law to take that advice. !.Basic, crude, primitive, a fcukn disgrace and no regard for the beauty of the areajust shit!.Year 7 school project standard. 5 min [P] Call of the Wild skinny dip at yer local Sea-Walljust doing wot comes natural! But thats about it . Like I said at the start, IF he is an "expert coastal engineer" then we are in a much deeper hole than I imagined. Jeez. If a construction like that ends up being the only realistic option then so be it, but at least they need to be transparent about how they got to that point, and ideally accountable in future if it goes south. Anyone who has been to Chiba in Kanto will have seen the Tetrapod formed surf breaks there. Will be ironic if they have to pull it down for not meeting code on the steps. Sounds like the beach will be off limits/ too dangerous to walk on for weeks until the NSW Beaches Council recovers the rusting rebarb & concrete waste scattered along the beach then? Their email is: [emailprotected]. The wall is set to be seven metres tall, but three-quarters will then be covered by sand brought onto the beach. Was the carpark damaged by the 2016 storms and if so-to what extent? How's that space travel and trip to MARS coming along, you blokes? This process must require wind over thousands of years but people and waves stomping over dunes seems like any dune system near a popular town once destroyed wont come back? The council now will not release the relevant documents without a formal application and even then would no doubt find reasons to withhold the significant parts. But several of those areas experiencing recession are linked to important infrastructure that the authorities want to protect - depending on were you are, the GOR also houses telecoms, sewerage and other infrastructure. We had made a big mistake that would become bigger. I hope this Collaroy wall hasn't set a precedent. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II died in Balmoral on 8 September 2022 (GMT) at age 96. Perfect future film location for backwash kook of the day. It will still be a bargain now compared to 60 years from now if they do the same. Please enable it to continue. That's appalling if it's the case, BB. @dawnperiscope. The protest was backed by the growing greens movement at the time and successfully pressured the then Warringah Council to knock back the protective walls. Picture: Nearmap A subsequent image of Collaroy Beach from June 8, 2016. But, I think its just basically supply and demand. A quick Google informs me that they are part of the State government, either Planning or Public Works, which was news to me because its mainly staffed by UNSW academics and is associated with the uni as a research centre. Bean counters at the local council know this too. Instead, sand nourishment is the popular solution to maintaining beach width, though both Donohoe and Gordon are feeling once bitten and skeptical of any council promises. Sorry to go hard on your story like that but I feel we need to keep the science at the forefront of all coastal engineering discussions. Beaches like Bondi still had sand dunes and likely better banks all around. I've written about it before but the real reason here is money- it is massive pork-barreling on an unprecedented scale. Only thing that would be better if they made a foot path on top of it so wheel chair bandits and a like get to use the cost line as well, "Or boarding a jumbo jet to go for a surf and buy the latest board all things responsible for the needing of the wall in the first place.". All they are protecting are some pretty sparse land and some rice fields a couple of hundred metres inland. What a mess. The theory is that the waves break further offshore, soaking up wave energy that would otherwise erode the leeshore dune system during storms. Yep. Here's the full video with audio. I think this was done for the first DA, the sloping rock wall, rather than the vertical one that was actually built. The DA for the Collaroy seawall was approved while the Northern Beaches Council was under administration. Ignorant clown. The people responsible for awarding the contracts get huge kickbacks. Narrabeen and Collaroy residents hold signs and protest their opposition towards the sea wall extension plans in November 2012 In November 2002, Harmer and Donohue led a protest against a $12 million sea wall, proposed by Warringah Council, with 3000 people linking arms along a 1.1km stretch of beach. Really interesting [and sad] to see this story progress in real-time. they will use loop holes to ensure eligibility. Dates announced for Spencer Frost and Guy Williment's film shot in Russia's far east. We all have valuable opinions, but they need to be separated from facts at all times, especially when it comes to Journalism. Went down for a look and its a fucken disgrace. It's corrupt to the eyeballs and the only winners are the crooked pollies and the dodgy construction companies while the once beautiful Japanese coastline is lost forever. Amongst other things, it is illegal to "establish, maintain or use a spoil ground or other ocean disposal point (including dumping materials at sea)". Lets bring it on. walkways to viewing platforms & beaches, selective weed management, planting, education, etc), Give nature a chance, it will rebound & stabilise dunes or else find a new equilibrium.< inland. Thanks Craig aod if you are THE Jody P, yes you are a ledge. I am actually shocked the collaroy houses in particular have gone up in value - i wouldnt be able to sleep at night living there! A few pics. Im sure Fraser Island will give some back.. Heard rumours that the Wamberal Seawall has got green light hopefully the central coast council read this article. Seawalls form a defining line between sea and land. Unfortunately politics and money flow are not associated with longer term planning in Australia at present. Would be interesting to know the depth as it goes out to sea as well as that gives options for offshore reefs to dissipate the wave energy, therefor preventing erosion. Isolated, desk top engineering at its finest. The very thing we live for one the beaches is full of concrete and man made fuck ups. And more recently there was a local magazine piece discussing future sea level rises and the Noosa beach rock wall not being able to contain that, plus the homes along the Sunshine Beach to Peregian Beach stretch being at future risk, and councils would be needing to address that. The thing is, the existing site was fine except a motorway was about to be built straight through it. If they are falling into the ocean or they require extensive works or continual maintenance, then what is the market value? Please please please don't let those greedy fucks do this to Australia. We have trouble performing numerical analysis on complex near shore environments, so what we'll do is create a slab sided wave tank with perfectly geometrical structures and wave forms and see what "actually happens". One thing about mankind. Yep, prevents over-topping but how's the reflection and enhanced rebound wave back into the surf zone!? "The community is not happy." Northern Beaches Council said there had been comprehensive community consultation about the council's coastal zone management plan for Collaroy Beach. Am I missing something with the job title there? Yea I agree with this. Some interesting papers about building seawalls and the effect it has on risk perception in the post Tsunami context in Japan: Littlejohn (2020) "Dividing worlds tsunamis, seawalls, and ontological politics in Northeast Japan" Yep need to see front on pic Apparently there was a buy back scheme that faltered in the early 1980's when the department of public works ran out of money. Yet for some reason the Collaroy/Narra stretch seems to get flogged not only by mother nature but by poor coastal management approaches time and again. Plop! I have written to the Office Of Local Government about my concerns over the hiding of the second DA. I have to disagree. You can cry about why it wasn't their fault but that doesn't change anything at all. Here's a screengrab from the website about the proposed breakwall extension: It seems that the main concern about the extension is the interruption of the natural flow of sand onto Mooloolaba beach and hence increased erosion risk. why should the taxpayer pay to protect a small number of private landholders who actively choose to profit from purchasing in a tidal zone? The sheer number of cables there suggests to me that an offshore reef proposal would be unsuccesful. They can be excused as they thought theyd be informed before any such works took place, as per the 2016 Coastal Management Act. Highly unlikely! Installing the Pilings is the fourth step. Wow Zen saw those photo's , it's really sad that they couldn't come up with something else , which raises the question.what other alternatives are there?? Records show the DA for the Collaroy Seawall had been lodged 18 months earlier in July 2018. An "Engineer/s" designed this monstrosity and other "Engineers" approved it. Look at offshore reefs around all the pacific islands. The activism of Tom Kirsop is legendary and in December 2019 Northern Beaches Council honoured him with a park at Narrabeen called Surfrider Gardens. Posted the story from that link here. Embed Forecast. There's no homes or businesses, or very few to speak of- doesn't come close to justifying the cost of the wall. When deciding to spend rate payer dollars, on what metric do they use without using the big IF ? Spot on tango. I would rather have seen the money go into a couple of California style piers. For the most part I understand buybacks but, how will they appraise the value of these properties? Seawalls of this design have been shown - all over the world- to destroy beaches. Zen, it looks like an absolute disaster but Im guessing its not so much about coastal erosion but more about tsunami mitigation?? Plenty others have discussed it. Any example around the world that have worked with out wrecking a beach but holding back erosion in built up areas ? Its an issue the whole coastline, councils desperate to get what is a liability off their books and some homeowners, beachfront, genuinely caught out by it. This strategy had been used in other parts of the world where poor planning placed buildings too close to the ocean. 1. . The majority of these companies are legitimate businesses set up by Yakuza. Would be really good to see an article on the current state of affairs in the Coastal engineering world. Collaroy homes along Pittwater Rd have been cordoned off today. What some consider the ugliest wall in Australia could soon be bigger, with residents pushing to extend the Collaroy seawall on Sydney's northern beaches. It's eroded locally at present, lots of rocks revealed on low tide but it's also end of winter. OK this is the real one. and I live 8 hours away. Its no wonder the climate brigade aren't on board telling us all there garbage but erosion been around a tad longer than the 80s. (9News) But the structure has divided locals, with many describing it as an eyesore, and there are concerns it may wipe out the beach entirely. Initial reports claim Marcio Friere wasn't wearing an inflatable vest when he was held down in large waves. If you look a bit to the north you can see the relatively intact beach with a decent amount of sand. No-one wants to see visible structures built along the beachfront. Mind you theyve only been around for a year. Unlike politicians, scientists are usually very open with sharing their knowledge and data, to help inform the public. Can't wait to see the classic "Dick and Balls" painted on that big ugly fucker. Any system that affects the coast from a different angle upsets the balance of that orientation and the system then takes considerably more time to re-adjust. Seawall construction isnt mentioned. This sets a very dangerous precedent for the rest of NSW. Thanks, Lilas, I agree with there being challenges inherent in generalising, but I'm going to resist the temptation to take our shared pedantry down the rabbit hole this time! the Senior Environmental Officer" Northern Beaches NSW govt!! If anyone used it and saw the second DA let me know. So fkd how big some of those sea walls are and just ruin the towns completely and those that rely on the area, Theyve done the same thing to much of Taiwans coast, see eg: You wouldn't accept that in a bridge from an engineer, so why accept it in anything else? Its a wicked problem theyve got, in the true sense of the word.. However, NSW has an intricate coastal management and development approval system and surely there's a paper trail for the various consents and approvals for this abomination which would be subject to FOI? Photograph: Northern Beaches Council Library Local Studies. Cheers. Why would you bother acquiring the affected properties "at any cost", when they're likely to be washed into the sea? Collaroy seawall project | Protection from coastal erosion Watch on Location: Collaroy NSW Our specialist staff were engaged by the Northern Beaches Council to construct the 250m rock revetment seawall in front of the Collaroy Beach carpark. Buy backs should only be an.option when they contribute to an environmentally sound solution. First and foremost they say It's for erosion control but as you've seen after 2011 they did pretty much sfa. Stop wasting money and do something that will achieve the intended goals. They are multi millionaire asset owners. The only place for a residence next to Narrabeen Beach was up on the headland. In Japan, their solution is to just go bigger and higher . (Those suburbs are just local ones I know a bit about. Mr Horton said current conditions have exposed a temporary rock bund that was put in place to protect the construction site, but it will be removed when works are complete. Spot on. Cyclonic activity isnt forecast to increase at all - I think the jury actually out on that at the moment, east coast of Australia in a 500 year dip too on cyclonic activity. Has been for a while. Take the houses away eventually they would be building a wall to protect that road that you whinging moles drive around on for 20min checking it. I've looked at the general location plan of the cables and it seems there is a good say 500m- 1000m distance between groups of them along the beach, and they are buried for the first 500m out from the shore, so I would say there is a good chance of working within those areas in consultation with the cable authorities. Hourly Multiple Swells Wind Highlighting Model Units ft, mph. For a couple of furlongs it was quite close to the ocean but nobody cared. which is why the video is so interesting. This is a big money problem way beyond the scope of local councils. Such a shame that it's not like California or other US states where the owner has no right to protect their land from erosion etc. I guess that the levees will give me a 100% guarantee that it'll never happen in my lifetime". How was Collaroy Beach made? Collaroy Stormwater Pipe Outlet It would be a good idea to put in a surf cam in that pans up and down the wall to document any changes to the beach, sand movements, erosion problems etc. In a 2007 story for the Sydney Morning Herald, both Rob Stokes and a spokesperson for Warringah Council admit buyback isnt feasible and that other means of defence would be necessary, such as dune reconstruction, revegetation, and sand nourishment. RAW footage from this week's extra-large swell at Peahi. No more excuses for your terrible workmanship anymore. btw- that one is a tiddler compared to what they have here. Unfortunately, what we see in Collaroy might become a norm to protect this lifestyle. You'd think that would then open it up for more legal action (aka why did ABC get first dibs and XYZ missed out?). Hopefully there's someone with deep pockets able to go after the truth of the matter. 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