I know you will advocate that men and women rule together equally. It is good for making a plan and executing it. Patriarchy and matriarchal societies both have male heads of state or religious leaders. Women are the Carers and nurturers of our world. We can only change this for the better by allowing women to rule our world. Men in power have been involved in these wars. Materialism gives you the opportunity to always have the latest things. And I'm sorry to have to tell you that one reason the gap between the rich and poor is growing all the time is because of government interference in the free market. Maternal instinct is a red herring. "No govement dominated by women will want to see children in the country they rule live in poverty and ignorance. Polyandry type of marriage in which one woman can marry with many men at a time. In the whole of recorded history it has been men who have ruled our world, and as history has shown us so many times, men do a terrible job in doing this. Actually human males care about a million times more about their offspring than almost all other species. But this means that females are the cause for male competitiveness and that this is their biologically determined role. As i previously pointed out many female politcians have to act and behave like men to gain respect within the patriarchal system. 1. Follow Us: One advantage of Maslow's hierarchy of needs is its perceptive insight into human nature, a disadvantage is that the hierarchy fails to account for cultural or social differences between individuals. A matriarchal government will not only have to take control of the government, but also the media, the military, the business and financial worlds. Actually women have an easier time because of quota initiatives. A contemporary news and media magazine that brings the latest in art, culture, lifestyle, food, fashion, entertainment and the most interesting stories from the people of Pakistan. Truth is, most men in the West have no more freedom of expression than their grandfathers did, and it certainly isn't helping when these male feminists dismiss their issues (e.g. Political systems havent been that successful either, as countries with different political ideologies have fought each other, over this. This is what terrifies me about people like you. Like it or not, men make terrible rulers of our world, the whole of history proves this. They might be caring as well but that is coincidental. This not only handicaps them in their participation in the political sphere (because being a politician is a risk-prone and uncertain endeavor), but it also means that they'll be less likely to perpetrate public sphere violence. You might also want to consider that men constitute the vast majority of the victims of violent crimes too. I would agree that women can be brainwashed into intolerance by patriarchal doctrines. But women are likewise motivated by their maternal instinct. You say that "In the west, we already have a partial matriarchy with respect to the base unit of society--the black community in the US, where over 70% of children are raised without fathers. William Bond (author) from England on August 13, 2011: I am not painting a patriarchal picture of women i am painting a biological one. They engage other individuals to do the dying on their behalf. Would you then still be preaching the same lines? Why are you so against the idea of women ruling the world? These elements should maintain harmony with one another. We are far more likely to have caring people rule our world, if we have women only matriarchal political parties, who get into power. And again, you seem to blame men for all the bad things that have ever happened, without once realizing that the competitive push of men is what carried us from hunter-gatherer to agrarian to industrial to post industrial. The reason why men have been able to do this, is that they are far more competitive and aggressive than women. Perhaps your grim view of men is self fulfilling in your case. It is a system which benefits PATRIARCHS. Blaming men as a gender for warfare without also giving them credit *as a gender* for virtually every single technological, medical and architectural advancement in the history of humankind iswell, it's hypocrisy. Body paragraph 2 should state the disadvantages of the topic. So what is wrong in making it easier for women to get into power?. In other words more education period - not re-education or reprogramming or indoctrination. Thus, those resources should be sustainable and can be recycled. Criticism is not the problem. It can be initiated at will and ended in the same manner. To say that men and women are more different than similar just couldn't be more false anyway. The very large gap between rich and poor is also madness. Anyone who aspires for such a position has to be extremely competitive in order to succeed and this is every bit as true for women as it is for men. As members of an official ethnic minority, Khasis have many privileges: the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council protects their laws, taxation is lower than elsewhere in India, land is set aside for their use in tribal zones, and a quota system operates for higher education and civil service jobs. As you have pointed out patriarchal politicans only pretend to be caring people. Don't dodge the question. What can you expect of a male supremacist world culture that has a history of oppressing women and having them remain subservient not only in society but in religion as well, obviously in such a culture women are not going to unleash their full potential, and when a woman has ever dared to the consequences have often been grewsome, a female intellectual was always at risk of life threatening violence. I do not like to see people live in poverty and starve to death. "Men have the intellegence to be able to fly men to the moon, but is incapable of solving basic problems like warfare and poverty. In a broader sense it can also extend to moral authority, social privilege and control of property. It seems that patriarchy can fight wars, commit genicide, condemn billions of people into poverty, mess up the finacial system of world, and get away with it, because people will swallow all the bullshit patrirchy gives them, without question. So it means, because of mens powerful competitive instincts we will always have wars and very unfair societies, while men continue to rule our world. Yes, men do have good intentions, many men, do want to make our world a better place, but cannot overcome their aggressive and competitive instincts to do this. It's not like she stripped that gold from the bodies of the slain. However, I don't understand what you may be gaining here by persistantly arguing with people whom you will never agree with and who will also never agree with you in return, I mean, do you love being in needless conflict with individuals who's views of the world are different from yours? It annoys me to when people suggest that feminine men/masculine women are simply "not being true to themselves", which is bullsh*t. I don't think that gender is biological, and if a man were to ask Ellen Degeneres to "not be ashamed of expressing her feminine side", I am almost certain he would have his face rearranged, or at least be given a stern lecture on diversity and transphobia. Joint Family System The members of joint family system are related on the basis of marriage as well as blood relation. To become a political leader is a perfect example. Here's a quote from Dr. Please define the word before throwing it around. So it was they who got the Nobel Prize, and her work was not even acknowledged by the Nobel Prize committee. Instead women need to embrace their maternal instincts and point out that because of their nurturing instinct they would make far better rulers of our world, than ruthless and violent men. Disadvantages of nuclear family system Lack of man power. A world ruled by women, is far less likely to go to war. You also seem to think that women only become violent when they are brutalized. We will never see eye to eye nor will we ever agree with you, we are two groups on the opposite side of the fence. It is also weird that people don't see the total insanity of this. you need to go and learn about wild animals then you will see the differences between males and females. Omg, I'm so not a feminist. So what is wrong in making it easier for women to get into power? She just made a demand of her husband, made it a condition of her continued love and respect, and benefitted from the result. Later on Communism and Socialism also attempted to create an equal society but likewise failed. Unfortunately Rosalind Franklin died of cancer not long after her she finished her work on DNA. All members of the family are given an equal voice and say in family matters and no specific individual is the head of the household. A minority of women in politics is not evidence that they have a harder time. Women have a larger instinct for consumption *because* they have a maternal instinct--they have a need to acquire material wealth and secure an income stream exactly because they will have children they must provide for. Now, I can understand the fear Feminist have, that if we undermine the dogma that men and women are same, and say that women are driven by a powerful maternal instinct and men driven by a powerful competitive instinct. So are you saying that materiality is perfection? Or will you 'forget' it and misquote me in a few days time anyway? That's like saying that mustaches turn people into dictators. Is that in the hands of men or women? And when she shared in the spoils he'd taken, it had nothing to do with her. Even though men have used violence and intimidation to oppress women throughout history. It would also depend on somehow mitigating the social problems that arise when matriarchy extends to the base unit of society--the 2-32 times greater risk fatherless children have of a whole host of social maladies that lead them to be burdens on, rather than productive members of, society. William Bond (author) from England on August 16, 2011: I completely agree that we are all different, but the differences between men and women are far, far greater than the differences between different men or different women. It is always men that are the most violent criminals, which is why prisons are full of men. If we want to change this, and we seriously want to live in a more caring and compassionate world. How can you not expect women not to be violent in a violent male dominated society where violence is constantly glorified, by music, literature, and film, where everyday they turn on the news and that is all there ever is to report. Quoting from the above study: "In univariate terms, the largest differences between the sexes were found in Sensitivity, Warmth, and Apprehension (higher in females), and Emotional stability, Dominance, Rule-consciousness, and Vigilance (higher in males).". In other words, the father administers the house. It has to live in its pristine form. Not that biology doesn't have influence it does however, humanity is not restricted by biology in the same way animals are, we have the gift of awareness and intellect, to make a damn choice to allow ourselves to be defined by our so called accomplishments. Why are you so against the idea of women ruling the world? She just made a demand of her husband, made it a condition of her continued love and respect, and benefitted from the result. Like most female politicians in patriarchal political parties women cannot get respect and recognition unless she becomes, one of the boys. However, there have always been cultures where women were in charge of things; they dominated families and society and were at the core of everything. Native women and all women of color continued to face a disproportionate number of obstacles, but the first female Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, Wilma Mankiller provides us with a good . You are incapable of seeing women as agents. Hi Girlwriteswhat, Competition certainly motivates men, this is why capitalism has been a success because businessmen are strongly motivated when competing against other businessmen. There are other men committing mass rapes on women in the Congo. This is only a tiny fraction of the accomplishments of human kind under what you call patriarchy. So just trying something else because the old system is so bad, is not in the least persuasive. This is because men are by nature aggressive and competitive. Key disadvantages include the high costs of ERP software, its complexity, slow implementation, and data migration. You made the point about Hitler and the Nazis. The property comes from the father to their children. Mothers are not known to do this. But if men are incapable of taking responsiblities for their own actions, then that is another reason why they shouldn't be ruling our world. The persuit of power, irrelevant of what country, is the biggest problem. I suppose the difficulty for men is that if they have a problem it is easier to use force and violence to solve the it, rather than the complication of trying to work it out in other ways. Simply because these new goverments will be ruled by men. Therefore, you get full custody, the house, the car, half the assets, and generous maintenance.". But as i have also pointed out the it the type of people in power that is far more important than the system they use. The Lineage Matriarchal societies are also often matrilineal in nature. This is why I wan't women to rule instead. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNnIGh9g6fA. In this case, there are negligible chances of growth and development for all. As pointed out previously, men have attempted to create an equal society through the French revolution as well as communism and socialism, and completely failed in this. You completely got that one wrong. Enjoy your matriarchy. I'm not making this up this is historic fact. And further, a significant body of evidence in evolutionary theory ties the psychology of women's violence and competition TO their maternal instinct. But patriarchal propaganda doesn't like to acknowledge this. When women believe there is little to no risk of getting hit back harder,they can and will be as violent as men. The single wife has many husbands. There has recently been a rise in acid attacks on men by women, however as they say, "what goes around comes around," and I see this as these men getting a fair taste of their own medicine. It's reactionary fanaticism. Some women are simply not comfortable with the stereotypically "girly" role; it would be like putting on a mask, so to speak. 4. Has it even occurred to you that stating men are violent by nature is laying the groundwork for justifying preventive incarceration? Try to educate yourself before making such sweeping generalizations. Wars have nothing to do with the sex of the people in power. Because society does not hold them accountable--even when they are overtly violent and anti-social--there is a further moral hazard in that they will actually be able to get away with more violence and competitiveness than men do before being called on it. We base our judgment of a man on his behavior. A matriarchal government will be far more likely to want to care for the children and people in the countries they rule. You said "You seem to feel that women have existed in a bubble through all of human history. Improves the effectiveness of data exchange. I am deeply astonished by your lack of respect for tribal peoples, would you say the same thing about my Native American Indian people? Your ideal image of women doesn't leave any room for such a possibility but I'm not here to discuss your picture of how women should be or how you like them. Also, there's absolutely no reason to believe women start any less wars than men if they have most of the political power. The whole of history shows us so clearly that men do a really terrible job in ruling our world. It is likely that their higher levels of the male aggression hormone "testosterone" is the cause - the same instincts that make them excell in sports makes them excell in crime. The only political system that has noticeably improved the lives of the people has been democracy, even though wars and inequality are still commonplace in democratic countries. Their precepts aim to meet everyone's needs with the greatest benefit. Tell me, do you think that a woman who falsely tells two drunk men in a bar that another man in that bar raped herdo you believe she is an instigator of violence, when those two men beat the falsely accused man to death? A project powered and managed by Maven Logix Pvt Ltd. Implementing policies or social change based on genitalia is the same as doing so based on skin color. This is the nature of leadership and has nothing to do with gender. Consumers can benefit from lower prices and better quality goods and services due to the competitiveness of the firms. Alternatives must be more seriously embraced! Again you can have a small minority of women who are violent but they are far outnumbered by men. Even if it were true, it is still sexism. William Bond (author) from England on August 18, 2011: I don't think we are going to get anywhere with this. How are boys suppose to develop in a patriarchal society where we are taught to be macho, aggressive and brutal towards others? There is no evidence of a truly matriarchal civilization. And for what purpose? Certainly no man would do this. One thing I might not have mentioned yet is that it is also nearly always men who stop those atrocities. Something to think about maybe. Now, if women are responsible for this as well, then I call upon all those people who claim that men and women are the same and both are just as bad, to give us some examples of female inventors of deadly weaponry and weapons of mass destruction. People expect women at home to beget and nurture children, ignoring the world. List of the Disadvantages of a Monarchy 1. As a philosopher, I must question everything or at least whatever I find to be of interest or of importance, including myself and my own beliefs. You cannot blame women for wars, because women do not rule our world. A similar thing happened to Jocelyn Bell, it was she who first discovered Neutron stars, but it was her male boss who got the Nobel Prize, for not doing anything. Women have never done anything like this. We are mammals; it is the female in all species of mammal that care for the young. It is crazy to say men and women are the same. They are isolated, poor, lack electricity or running water. Because a monarchy often uses family lineage as the designation of who can take over the throne, there are numerous instances in history when children were placed in this role. The children get their names from their fathers. "Certainly no man would do this. These are questions that need to be asked. On the other side, patriarchy promotes monotheism. Yes, even the opinions of the respectible white/blue collor man, the corrupt politition, the outspoken woman on Jerry Springer who gets the audiences vote before her victim even hits the stage. The family will also be better off because the man will do a better job of providing for the family. I'm sorry but if you think I'm wrong about something, then you need to point out my mistake(s) to me in detail. "At present female politicians have to join patriarchal political parties and prove themselves to be macho men to be taken seriously. We live in a violent and brutal world because it is ruled by violent and brutal men. Only sexists dont see anything wrong with it. So any matriarchal country will have to retain its military but the fact is, the more matriarchal countries we have, the less likely we are to have warfare in our world. I would say that women most often become violent when they have been brutalized, because the extreme trauma suffered completely ruins a human being without assistance; yet there have been women who have been raped and severely brutalized that have chosen to do the right thing, but what then is the right thing? Men may have invented weapons, but women *still* don't tend to invent much at all. Yes, it is very hard to push forward new ideas and inventions but men have a better chance at doing this than women, in a patriarchal society. Need I continue or do you get the point? While men continue to do this, we will always have wars, genocide, poverty and a large gap between rich and poor. Yes, patriarchy is very, very good at justifying wars and poverty. I am sure a matriarchal government will be far more committed to reducing both poverty and crime than any patriarchal government. In other words, women who try to get ahead in any patriarchal institution, has to act and behave like competitive and ruthless men, because if she was to show her caring and maternal nature, she would be condemned as being weak and sentimental. Man has reaped what he has sown. We have to be clear about this. What i am trying to point out is that there is an alternitive that no one has tried and that is matrairchy. This may be all right for animals to behave like this but can be a disaster when human males have the same instincts. Hi girlwriteswhat, You are obviously ignoring the evidence that men have been ruling the world for the last five thousand years, through force and violence. ("Sensible" decisions like going to war and committing genocide). What do you want to do exactly? . Like the Armies of Alexander the Great, Atilla the Hun, Genghis Khan, Napoleon and Hitler. If you think women are less competitive then I suggest you take a look backstage of a ballet school or beauty pageant. Can't you see the total insanity of governments spending trillions of dollars inventing and manufacturing weapons in which to kill people? Related: Superwomen breaking the myths and handed-down opinions. Are you saying that any criticism of men is not allowed?". No patriarchy or matriarchy will fix that. You gave great answers. "Things can only change when we have matriarchal political parties where women are free to be themselves and not have men tell them how to behave.". Throughout history it has been men who have ruled our world. It is short sighted and reactionary at best. The female holds privilege, power, authority, and control of wealth. It actually makes me throw up in my mouth a little. Anyone who has an understanding of statistics will know that correlation does not imply causation. I was brought up to be a macho man as a boy but in truth i never really wanted to be aggressive to other people. And you forgot to mention that men are also responsible for most of what's good in the world. Are you saying that it would be political correct to say, "people do a really terrible job in ruling our world". Even democratic countries do this. I believe a Matriarchal-Egalitarian society could accomplish a great deal more progress than the patriarchal one in which we live. For instance, a male stag will fight other male stags to have the biggest harem of females he can possibly have. Just because you don't see female competition because you're not affected by it, does not mean it's any less aggressive than male competition. We may not like it but last I heard women are human beings as well and I don't think that they should sit back and take the abuse and not get even for the treatment that is brought upon them. It can only be done through democractic means. Steve Andrews from Lisbon, Portugal on July 05, 2012: Lucy, who is it that invents and builds and uses weapons of mass destruction? In Matriarchy, children will take the name of their mother. Most Popular Podcasts From Pakistan That are Must-Listen. Then I'm happy to change my position. Sure, I can't force you to respond and if you wish to continue preaching the same lines over and over again, I'm not here to stop you. And we are going to have a very unfair world as the rich will compete against the poor for more wealth and power. This does not mean that genitalia are linked to being a warmonger. A patriarchal society may be capable of doing this for men, but it leaves out a large majority of the population that are more than capable of that very same thing. If so, then, in all likelihood, more female power would lead to more male competition, not less. The reason would be to do with our basic instincts. ". The majority of rulers in history have had untold wealth, while the majority of people live in poverty, and at one time slavery was commonplace. If things get worse then people might look for something different but the chances are they will look to Facism or bring back communism or perhaps go to extreme religion. I certainly agree if any matriarchal country was to become completely pacifist it would be in grave danger of invasion from a patriarchal country. You don't even notice when you're contradicting yourself. However, their history is feudal, and the ruling class engages in pair-bonding and paternal investment. They do this with rape, in places like Pakistan, if a woman was to complain she was raped, she is the one more likely to be sent to jail, and not the rapist. Poly means "many" and "andry" means "husbands". Women on the other hand have a powerful maternal and nurturing instinct. Slight movement can ruin the image, requiring retesting. Lack of economic support. You may buy you some level of comfort. "The only way we can have this proof is for women to start ruling countries.". Among animal species, the only female kin of a given offspring who will actually die to protect that offspring is a post-reproductive age grandmother. The only reason why matriarchy is possible now, is that we now have democractic goverments.". Throughout history it has been men who have ruled our world. Once men realised that women could be dominated by violence, it opened the Pandora's box that allowed men to dominate the whole planet. If I take away the house or withhold a share of the assets, it will harm the children. Or they can vote for a Matriarchal party and allow caring and nurturing women to rule instead. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlation_does_not_ For example: There have been many wars in history. Just take a step out of your belief system and look at the world objectively. "Five thousand years of history have shown that patriarchy is totally incapable of solving basic problems like warfare and poverty. Democracy has improved on this but we still have a situation where the majority of wealth of any country, is still in the hands of only a handful of people. Yes, i am a man, and as a man I am ashamed of my sex for the irrisponsible way we rule our world. Also the success of a Matriarchy would depend on the strength and leadership of its people not on the rest of the world being peaceful, it will never place dependance on the world for its existence because the people of the Matriarchy damn well know that the world would rather see it be destroyed than to see it flourish; it will be up to the people to fight with all their hearts, souls, and minds against a majority that would devour it! Normally, when cells are old, mutated or injured, the process of programmed cell death will set off to prevent these cells from dividing and growing. Crime and poverty go together. I cannot understand you thinking my articles are full of hate!? In 1943, Maslow developed his hierarchy . And in many cases seem to make the situation worse, as conflict between different religions and religious sects has caused many wars. 4. Men seem to be very good at technology or solving mathmatical problems but are totally useless in dealing with people. You seem to feel that women have existed in a bubble through all of human history. The man will off course. Can improve the overall chances in the lives of many people. The human male is very similar but fight each other with spears, swords, rifles, machine guns, bombs and rockets. Advertisement. What I have a problem with is sexism and hate speech - which is what your article is full of. I think everyone is equal, men are not superior and neither are women. Your position is not to just try and see if the other sex can do a better job. You seem to see them as a monolithic object/victim class. Youre forgetting that women are not all one monolith speaking in unison. Even if a political matriarchy was achievable in a democracy (which I don't think it is), it would depend on the entire rest of the world being peaceful to survive. Basic instincts hand have a very unfair world as the rich will compete against the poor for more and. 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