, . Without this sciences, you would still be eating the flesh of mummies, and eating the powdered bones of Saints as your means of being healed from various diseases. Look at Zaire (Congo). PLEASE VISIT DR.HOROWITZ.COM YOU WILL LEARN WHAT ELSE EUROPEANS HAVE INVENTED??? The article above which is culled from a western owned establishment and written by western scientists is talking about biological and genetic superiority. Archeologists working in this field have repeatedly denoted the racial and morphological similarities between the early settlers of Europe and those of the African continent. When each letter can be seen but not heard. Published February 22nd 2008 In these last two regions, the late Soviet Professor Mikhail Gerasimov, a scholar of rare objectivity, identified the Negroid type from skulls found in the Middle Mousterian period.If one bases ones judgment on morphology, the first White appeared only around 20,000 years ago: the Cro-Magnon Man. If you knew how to read you would have realized that Dr. Lahn carried out a research comparinig the brains of human beings to those of chimps. What we may be seeing is a population genetic echo of the founding of Europe, said Bustamante. As would be expected with the out of Africa theory, the researchers found Africans had the greatest amount of genetic diversity, followed in turn by Middle Easterners, then Europeans and South Asians at about equal levels, then East Asians. The cause became increasingly promoted by intellectuals of the Progressive Era.. I advise every Black person to read this translation of Aethiogyptian wisdom. Nor did I make Africans brown. .. give your evidence of white people arriving in Europe 400ad. You claim the white man is a destroyer of civilizations, yet the language you use, the computer you use, the internet, even electricity (and I could go on all day) without which modern civilizations would not exist, were either invented or discovered by white men. canibalism is one of africas great traditions , please dont take your low african cultural psychological traits and project it on to more advanced Europeans, if you want a serious debate based on evidence great, but otherwise shut up. The first Africans were neither Negroid or Caucasian, these are later developments., LoL! Before your pink sallow theiving arse came out of the caves of western China, Africans and their descendants lived all the way from Spain to Caucasus. . (PS all naturally living organisms need the Sun) #Imjustsayin, So-called Whites never did survive that frozen tundra; they were so stupid they never even adapted from their carnivorous ways; were it not for the Grimaldi Negro, who taught the last survivors of the Neanderthal extinction to catch fish; and probably had sex with a few Neanderthal women; there would be no White Race. But some of us understand that the Universe is Cause and Consequences and at present Black people are dealing with the sins of our Fathers. She tried to replicate her own study using genetically manipulated mouse spleen cells that glow green if a gene indicative of pluripotency is activated. And the funny thing is, although we are genetically inferior apparently, we have been able to secure things like food and water for all our people. Why you butcher one another for basic survival. However, lining up chariots must be done with caution, as this risks losing one chariot to an enemy's inferior piece. John Hume wants to know why blah balh is progressive and progressed through the ages blah blah blah. Please dont shoot the messenger jadee if you cannot accept the truth. Your women are the trash of the world. Pleasethe only thing Africa gave the world was resources. White man was made to destroy civilization which that have surely done and continue to do. Its a very vague term, when Ive seen it used it typically relates to the misconception that evolution is a ladder and that animals arent as evol 2010 , 80% . , , , . Its the unification of Science and Religion and those versed in both will easily recognize It as the origin of all religious and scientific theories hitherto presented by the Western usurpers as non-African. It will blow your mind how far advanced Africans were before their fall. In his book titled Civilization or Barbarism, (1981), at page 15-16, Cheikh Anta Diop made the following observation: The Grimaldi Negroids have left their numerous traces all over Europe and Asia, from the Iberian Peninsula to Lake Baykal in Siberia, passing through France, Austria, the Crimea, and the Basin of Don, etc. THEY WERE SUPERIOR AND HIGHLY ADVANCED THIS IS THE CULTURE AND THEIR ANCESTORS THAT THE EUROPEAN ENVIED AND DESTROYED IN ORDER TO RECREATE AND USE METHODS TO COMMUNICATE LIKE THE TELEPHONE VIA WIRES. The genes will propagate rapidly. Between the 7th and the 17th century in Europe, the Muurs the so-called black people from Africa, educated the entire Europe, in the discipline of arts and sciences. . Yes, it is. HIPPOCRATES, SOCRATES AND COUNTLESS GREEKS STUDIED WITH THEM ALONG THE NILE. Click on the link below for the answer to your foolishness. But why confuse the issue with graded value You dont HAVE to submit to traditional or toxic standards of masculinity. ), Droid aka Mr. Smythen moans: Perhaps the genes play a role outside of the brain or affect a brain function that has nothing to do with intelligence. I didnt say my kind came from China or Russia, I said The ancestors of the Tocharians went from the Russian steppes to western China. , . Where is the virtue in that? When did the Vandals get to Hispana-Spain? and see they are not experiencing any of the disease the western world is with their so called technology and advancements. We take no prisoners. The quote that follows comes from the works of Professor Elliot Smith a well respect pre-eminent scholar of European origin: So striking writes Professor Elliot Smith, is the family likeness between the early Neolithic peoples of the British Isles and the Mediterranean and the bulk of the population, both ancient and modern, of Egypt and East Africa, that the description of the bones of an Early Briton of that remote epoch might apply in all essential details to an inhabitant of Somaliland. (The Ancient Egyptians, p. They have genes that are not found in other peoples. Right, they're genetically modified organisms or seeds, and the farm next to him, well, they did, and basically, their seeds blew over into his crop. What the data didnt say was how the mutations were advantageous. Could have been genetically engineered to let him perceive this Reetou mother. The reason he's so small and so long lived is because he's been genetically engineered. rest of the world. than they were at independence in the 1960s. Then I cited you the research works stored on the databases belonging to the National Institue of Health the leading US Health Institute which sets the generally applicable medical and clinical procedures used by all US medical scientists and you say it is discredited. I have no idea where you get your information from, but the caucasian European type did not come out of Azerbaijan in 400 AD, are you nuts, what colour do you think the Celts and Germanic tribes were who lived in Europe long before 400 AD? Now cite me the papers that discredited the above studies. TO GO OUT OF YOUR WAY TO DO ALL THIS IS OF A INFERIOR NATURE LOOKING FOR POWER YOU CANT HANDLE.. WITH ALL THE SETBACKS AND UNCONCIOUSNESS WE FACE PEOPLE OF AFRKAN DESCENT ARE STILL STRIVING. In addition it is a template of how Real Human Beings ought to live their lives and reveal once and for all that humanity has been living in Hell probably since the first African human made the choice to mate with a Neanderthal Beast. In fact, around twice as many Europeans (as Africans taken to the US) were made slaves by the (African) Barbary states alone. It is not an invention of pale pink west-chinese and tochurian troglodyte mummies like you. I cited you the works of scientists from Cornell University one of Americas leading Universities who concluded that Africans have superior genetic profile than Europeans and you claim that this work is discredit. There is no specific Negroid type, who are you Darwin or some joker. The internet, electricity, are all fruits of collective human endeavour. Whether English is an invented language? For the record a young year old Nubian princess scored a 150 on IQ test!! A third study, published in the journal Science on Friday, may be the most fascinating of all. -1 . It has nothing to do with intelligence or what our race has accomplished despite this genetic inferiority. WebThe Nazi Party adopted and developed several Pseudoscience racial classifications as part of its ideology in order to justify the genocide of groups of people which it deemed racially inferior.The Nazis considered the putative "Aryan race" a superior "master race", and they considered black people, mixed-race people, Slavs, Roma, Jews and other ethnic groups . Too bad Neanderthals havent brought much to the table in a long time. It aint white skin. domesticated the horse. Go search for the origin of the Alphabet in the Encyclopedia Britannica, so your own sources could tell you in your own language that the alphabet comes from Africans. - , - . Jahdey roars: South Africa is probably the most progressive nation on the continent and thats only because caucasians ran the damn government for so long. Those are not scientific terminologies. But, the report says Africa has enormous untapped potential and hidden Google up Uzbekistanis and Azeris so you can view your cousins from the Steppes and recall once more the cold and unmerciful land of your nativity. Greeks and other Europeans traveled to Africa to get educated at one of their top universities in Timbuktu. We didnt destroy we DOMESTICATED. Shame on you pink punk ignoramus. DESTROY THEIR IDENTITY CREATE SLAVERY AND GIVE THEM THEIR RELIGION TO DESTROY THEM. Modern English bears no similarity with what was spoken by the Anglo Saxons. Because Europeans kidnapped Africans from their realm and forced them to be something they are not which is European so much of their overall knowledge was lost. Im more preoccupied with keeping my distance from everyone. You guys really make me sick!!! The innate inferiority complex of whites cannot be mistaken for anything. Even daily activities are a power struggle, and often those in power remain in power while those inferior remain inferior . They bear a royal line of blood connection to the Most High Jah and the blessed Mother, who are their parents. Azerbaijan? It's sad to think man is still too stupid to not hate someone that looks different from you. One mutation, which according to his estimates arose some 40,000 years ago, coincided with the first art found in caves, the paper observed. I find it touching that you place so much trust in a discredited study of white scientists, but you must remember that study has been deeply criticised as useing uneven numbers of black white study subjects and the study was about genetic predisposition to conjenital illness , not inteligence where as we all know Whites tend on average to do better in IQ tests. Go ask them why they made the findings above since Rastalivewire is just the messenger. EUROPEANS ARE A BUNCH OF WOPS. YES THE EUROPEANS WERE THE FIRST TO SPLIT THE ATOM WHICH WAS KNOWN ALREADY TO THE EGYPTIANS. African civilizations have reached levels yours are only beginning to understand. Please, everyone read this whole answer before judging too quickly Other people will tell you stuff like youre not inferior, youre perfect invented the combustion engine, the train, car, flying machines I have the whole book, you have fragments of it. The Chinese invented the wheel. Well..what have we here? My only friends would be my genetically engineered monkey butler and the little people I hired to be my living chess set. Your such an ignorant fool, calling ancient Europeans canibals. Smh. This is a waste of time if you cannot produce peer reviewed valid authorities in science, or history to back up your misconceived conclusions. SPLITTING THE ATOM DID NOT GET US ANYWHERE BUT WAS USED FOR EVIL TO CREATE BOMBS TO DESTROY LIVES AND NATURE, THIS IS THE NATURE OF THE ANTI CREATION PEOPLE , VERY DESTRUCTIVE. WebToday, the alphas are people who have confidence (something you can develop), not genetics (out of your control). 6.Maria Gimbutas is not an archeaologist, let alone a great archeaologist, she is infact an anthropologist, and do some real research and you will see what the current view of her is. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurgan_hypothesis, See Azeri blond beauty queen:, http://fotogaleri.hurriyet.com.tr/LiveImages%5CFoto%20Haber%5C%DDranl%FDlar%20g%FCnd%FCz%20kayak%20yapt%FD,%20ak%FEam%20e%F0lendi%5C02.jpg, See Uzbek President and his cousin W.Bush: In the end, it is neither French nor Latin. Because many genetically different varieties are available, they can be grown in most of the temperate areas of the United States. I understand sympathize with your longing for self-esteem, but to replace that with pride in race, especially when it comes packaged with hatred for others, is utter folly. WebView the translation, definition, meaning, transcription and examples for Genetically inferior, learn synonyms, antonyms, and listen to the pronunciation for Genetically WebThe Genetically Deficient Model Stereotyping people of color as deficient in certain desirable attributes -should recognize that average values of different populations tells us nothing about any one individual And remember that the so-called securing of food and water you talk about came through theiving and robbery, murder and pillage, vandalism and rape, kidnapping and enslavement. There are bronze age bodies from Denmark who date to three thousand years ago, due to their amazing preservation many still have their blonde and fair hair preserved. Ive experience several stages after first using the internet. On all the other victims, they were equidistant from the inferior nuchal line. Africa now accounts for only 1% of the total world economic output and 2% of Fourteen words that helped define the year. Webgenetically inferior definitionwhere does jimmy and jane barnes live. Rothschild even admits controlling the United Kingdom. And inferior in different ways because of this but one is not better than the other. Robbery and plunder! Too bad. Destroying the planet you live on, killing your neighbors and harboring disdain is actually a devolution for the human race. TO TRULY ADVANCE YOU WOULD NOT DESTROY YOUR WATER, TOPSOIL, AIR, TREES, FARMS, HYBRIDIZED YOUR CROPS, USE PHARMACEUTICALS DRUGS. BUT NOT ONE ARGUMENT supporting them NOT being genetically inferior to Africans. Mr. Black-Smythe (or is it Mr. ; . Also, you need to provide citations for your tomfoolery if ever there was such a thing. You lies and whines are inadequate authorities. . Wasnt it the Africans that sparked the Europe you so bask in. well the list goes on and on does it not? I bet it is in his DNA, he's like a genetically engineered screw - up. Genetically ablated lines can be maintained for a prolonged period of time and shared within the research community. Please, everyone read this whole answer before judging too quickly Other people will tell you stuff like youre not inferior, youre perfect In trying to prove how racist white people are you have revealed as a huge, angry racist. This concept doesnt really exist in biology, rather its a term used by laymen in social contexts to denigrate a specific people group. The idea i To be susceptible to diseases To carry genetic faults. You know what, that could be anyone of us Guess that makes us all genetically inferior I understand that Africans are desparate to claim and feel that they have achieved something, but we all know that Negroid Africans have achieved nothing that has contributed to science and civilization, If Africans in Africa dont grow up they will never survive, the true face of africa is genocide, poverty, corruption, incompatence, HIV . Nope you dont have to be superior to oppress, all you really need is a inhumane and devilish mindset fuelled by greed, along with an arsenal of highly destructive weapons and a two a faced smile. We answerers simply dont know that. Almost every country in Europe has had civil war or revolution, in the end you have two Europeans wars which are refered to as world wars. Cant see what you whites have done to the world, where ever you go you disrupt the naturla balance of the earth. 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