Latest report can be found in Steve Watsons Wheat Varieties for Kansas 1995, For complete details and ratings, see Steve Watsons Wheat Varieties for Kansas and the Great Plains 2008, No longer in use. Contact: LCS Mani AX is a very early maturing CoAXium soft white winter wheat that gives your acres fierce protection against grassy weeds. A small royalty collected on the sale of certified seed of the varieties is returned to CSU to further wheat breeding and wheat-related research. Doublestop CL Plus was released by OSU in 2013 and is marketed through Oklahoma Genetics Inc. Compared to bread wheats, Ray has average to above average yield, good test weight and protein, very low PPO, and good milling and baking characteristics. Powered by Beyond herbicide, Clearfield can take your sunflower production to the next level of weed-control performance in the field and improve your bottom line. Seed increase fields (foundation, registered and certified) are grown following strict guidelines to ensure that fields are free of noxious weeds and off-type crops. Latest report can be found in Steve Watsons Wheat Varieties for Kansas 1992, For complete summary description, see Steve Watsons Wheat Varieties for Kansas and the Great Plains 2008, K-State Agricultural Research CenterHays, Above, Danby, K-State experimental KS03HW10, For complete details and ratings, see Steve Watsons Wheat Varieties for Kansas and the Great Plains 2006, Rio Blanco, Colorado experimental related, No longer in use. How The Clearfield Production System for Rice Works [CDATA[// >
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